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How can a Sales Rep be promoted to DM of their former district?


This is a bad judgement call by Amgen. Historically, this is how the favoritism and all the compliance issue starts. The newly appointed DM relies on their buds to get any dirt from the other district members on anyone who doesn't kiss their butt. Then they have a problem going from friend to boss and they rely on childlike tactics to "lean hard" on anyone who isn't interested in sucking up to them.
Amgen please WAKE UP ! I mean REALLY !!!


This is a bad judgement call by Amgen. Historically, this is how the favoritism and all the compliance issue starts. The newly appointed DM relies on their buds to get any dirt from the other district members on anyone who doesn't kiss their butt. Then they have a problem going from friend to boss and they rely on childlike tactics to "lean hard" on anyone who isn't interested in sucking up to them.
Amgen please WAKE UP ! I mean REALLY !!!

Happens more than you think. But it has to be the right person who gets promoted. Sounds like your old colleague/ new DM isn't mature enough to make the transition.

From my experience at Amgen during the last 11 years, there is just a handful of times that this works out. I have seen it first hand where the newly promoted manager is just too immature to handle the responsibility and since they were once a sales rep in the district and now seeing their former territory as a DM, they favor those customers, misallocate funds to them, Favor their former buddies and just for giggles create drama by utilizing their crew to stir things up with the rest of the team. The raises aren't allocated fairly nor the ride days. It's like a day of eating and celebration with their buds while they do a 8-5 with the other district members. Also the buddies get to go to the highest acclaimed conferences and get to work on special projects and they are propelled into level 3 positions. They also rig the awards to make the brown losers win Please Amgen, MAKE THIS STOP

There are also DMs at Amgen now who went through the MDP and had to wait years for an opening. As they got frustrated and their huge egos were hurting, they set up their DMs to be fired. Then once they got rid of the DM, the rep becomes the new DM. What a crock of shit. I tell ya, it's worth staying at Amgen just for the entertainment. Always have the popcorn handy. Ya can't make this crap up.

Many have been told that there is a policy against such a thing. I am one of those people.
Then I watched as other "more equal" folks got DM jobs in their district and I realized that they will LIE TO YOUR FACE and then deny it when it makes sense to them.

Especially when they have no management experience or MDP. It's funny to watch them do personality profiles and try to "coach" their more experienced reps than themselves. One even jumps in the call and takes over from her former peer. People are leaving people...

It's about a lot of those bozo DMs who don't deserve to be a DM but got appointed ringmaster of their former district. It's discriminatory against the district members. Great for some and Sucks Big Time for the others. Not Fair. And Everyone Knows it. History repeats itself 9 times out of 10.

It's about a lot of those bozo DMs who don't deserve to be a DM but got appointed ringmaster of their former district. It's discriminatory against the district members. Great for some and Sucks Big Time for the others. Not Fair. And Everyone Knows it. History repeats itself 9 times out of 10.

I agree. A new RVP appointed a district member to a manager recently. Should not have occurred. Power plays, favortism, etc.

Don't put up with it people. If there is any BS and you are treated unfairly call HR and report. This was supposed to be banned years ago since many Compliance, HR violations played out. Districts were run like Animal House. Some good people got disgusted and left. This is Biotech not Burger King.

Don't put up with it people. If there is any BS and you are treated unfairly call HR and report. This was supposed to be banned years ago since many Compliance, HR violations played out. Districts were run like Animal House. Some good people got disgusted and left. This is Biotech not Burger King.

Amgen would be way more fun and tolerable if districts were run like Animal House. Those guys ignored the rules and had a blast. It may not be Burger King yet, but it's closer than you think.

Get over yourselves. You guys sound like a bunch of whiny, entitled jerks. I don't think a few bad apple DMs should ruin it for everyone. Why shouldn't a BSR be eligible for a promotion in the district where they already have relationships, live, and work? That makes a lot more sense then moving them and their families, just to check the box on it being a different district. The reason this is a problem is that you then attract internal DM candidates who have no loyalty to their family. Not everyone is willing to move for a promotion. It would be a real shame to lose out on great management candidates just because they aren't willing to relocate their spouse and children.

I think this post hits on a larger issue- reps thinking they don't need to be managed and wanting to crab about their boss. The truth is, I think a lot of you complainers would have just as many complaints about a DM who was brought in from the outside. Just do your job and be grateful for the money and the lifestyle this position brings. I get tired of how ungrateful and b!tchy people in this industry are. Maybe all of you who are so disgruntled should go through a layoff (or 2, or 3) and then get back on this board and complain about your newly promoted DM. In other industries, people get promoted all of the time to manage people they used to work beside. That's how the corporate world works. Good companies should reward those who want to stay here and build their career. Loyalty should be rewarded, not looked down upon. I am glad Amgen is pulling management from within, rather than giving the position to someone from the outside. I wish my last company would have promoted from within. I watched a lot of my very qualified co-workers be passed up for some DM from another company- just because that person already had the "DM" title...not because they were the best candidate.

Get over yourselves. You guys sound like a bunch of whiny, entitled jerks. I don't think a few bad apple DMs should ruin it for everyone. Why shouldn't a BSR be eligible for a promotion in the district where they already have relationships, live, and work? That makes a lot more sense then moving them and their families, just to check the box on it being a different district. The reason this is a problem is that you then attract internal DM candidates who have no loyalty to their family. Not everyone is willing to move for a promotion. It would be a real shame to lose out on great management candidates just because they aren't willing to relocate their spouse and children.

I think this post hits on a larger issue- reps thinking they don't need to be managed and wanting to crab about their boss. The truth is, I think a lot of you complainers would have just as many complaints about a DM who was brought in from the outside. Just do your job and be grateful for the money and the lifestyle this position brings. I get tired of how ungrateful and b!tchy people in this industry are. Maybe all of you who are so disgruntled should go through a layoff (or 2, or 3) and then get back on this board and complain about your newly promoted DM. In other industries, people get promoted all of the time to manage people they used to work beside. That's how the corporate world works. Good companies should reward those who want to stay here and build their career. Loyalty should be rewarded, not looked down upon. I am glad Amgen is pulling management from within, rather than giving the position to someone from the outside. I wish my last company would have promoted from within. I watched a lot of my very qualified co-workers be passed up for some DM from another company- just because that person already had the "DM" title...not because they were the best candidate.

Calm Down, Keith. Relax and Count to 10.

Get over yourselves. You guys sound like a bunch of whiny, entitled jerks. I don't think a few bad apple DMs should ruin it for everyone. Why shouldn't a BSR be eligible for a promotion in the district where they already have relationships, live, and work? That makes a lot more sense then moving them and their families, just to check the box on it being a different district. The reason this is a problem is that you then attract internal DM candidates who have no loyalty to their family. Not everyone is willing to move for a promotion. It would be a real shame to lose out on great management candidates just because they aren't willing to relocate their spouse and children.

I think this post hits on a larger issue- reps thinking they don't need to be managed and wanting to crab about their boss. The truth is, I think a lot of you complainers would have just as many complaints about a DM who was brought in from the outside. Just do your job and be grateful for the money and the lifestyle this position brings. I get tired of how ungrateful and b!tchy people in this industry are. Maybe all of you who are so disgruntled should go through a layoff (or 2, or 3) and then get back on this board and complain about your newly promoted DM. In other industries, people get promoted all of the time to manage people they used to work beside. That's how the corporate world works. Good companies should reward those who want to stay here and build their career. Loyalty should be rewarded, not looked down upon. I am glad Amgen is pulling management from within, rather than giving the position to someone from the outside. I wish my last company would have promoted from within. I watched a lot of my very qualified co-workers be passed up for some DM from another company- just because that person already had the "DM" title...not because they were the best candidate.

When people transfer for jobs, that doesn't necessarily mean there is no family loyalty. Transferring brings diversity and the opportunity to learn new markets, skills and work with different professionals. I liked your comment until you said that. Don't be a hater because you got lucky and could stay local. In the global economy with challenging economic times, more & more of us will need to relocate to stay current and employed.