must be someone that didnt learn the new math.
ROCK on Baby!! NPSP stock is on fire, thank you for not hiring me as I am making more on the stock than what your putrid offer was and I do nothing. Now I can with my Proxy vote out several of your board members who want to keep NPS an independent company. This company should be sold to the highest bidder and greedy fucks like myself will laugh all the way to the fucking bank, is this a great country or what. Why are you reading should be planning you sales calls for tomorrow...see ya....
PS, really I am wishing all of you the very best of luck with your earnings call next week and I am not that much of an asshole, just ask my ex-wife.
congrats on not getting the job. enjoy your $800 Q1 bonus from GSK.
Good luck on earnings call tomorrow.
Earnings? Really? what Earnings?
There are 382 patients on therapy as of last night, with order/ship/reimbursement backlog of at least 230 more - well on our way to 1000 patients by June
It's party time - is it really sales when patients call their doctor and BEG !!! please prescribe NPS' new drug