How are ecosystems working out? Recommended?

Listen- the ecosystem model was abandoned by Roche 2 years ago (except they didn’t call it an Ecosystem) Genentech’s ecosystem model was to get rid of 50+ of the field and availed getting sued. Changed the titles, changed the job descriptions. Reapply for your job. This was the intent! Get rid of bodies! We need to go back to the old model where sales people were compensated to SELL! What the ecosystems are causing is burnout. Everyone is buttering up to HD’s and HED’s with their “happy birthday” messages by replying all….it’s freaking ridiculous. Our sales are in the toilet! We need to go back… this is not working and Nancy knows it!!!! It’s a matter of time!


What ever happened to having Genentech offices in all of the IDNs? I remember leadership holding that up as a success in the beginning.

Never happened. That was just another example of people acting like they’re accomplishing something in the ecosystem model when in reality the customers laugh at the entire organization acting like they’re innovating.