How about that Motivational Poem?!!!??

Who posts this shit? Seriously. This is the guy that can say “ it’s all the reps. Fire them all and hire a new staff” and you are making fun of him? Seriously? Show some respect. Yes we have problems... no they aren’t going to get fixed... be professional and leave like the rest of us.

Motivational poem of the day

There once was a man from Mumbai,

Whose ego was high in the sky.

Putting ego to work,

he bought Tildra from Merck,

with scant data to make all derms sigh!

The problem is that leadership is a quality and a skill set. It is not something that suddenly occurs when you are a successful rep. In fact very few successful reps make good managers. Sun has managers that were promoted when Bill Clinton was the President and were not promoted based on leadership potential. Consequently we are all paying the price for SUN hiring has-been managers that really never could lead, even at their prime. Oh but I almost’s all the reps fault....right?

The problem is that leadership is a quality and a skill set. It is not something that suddenly occurs when you are a successful rep. In fact very few successful reps make good managers. Sun has managers that were promoted when Bill Clinton was the President and were not promoted based on leadership potential. Consequently we are all paying the price for SUN hiring has-been managers that really never could lead, even at their prime. Oh but I almost’s all the reps fault....right?

It sounds like we have some youngsters that want to run the show with their whopping 7 years of experience. Possibly some of the RSMs are too old for your liking? As a footnote the older reps are out performing the younger reps on a head to head, when done according to the instruction by the top brass.

It sounds like we have some youngsters that want to run the show with their whopping 7 years of experience. Possibly some of the RSMs are too old for your liking? As a footnote the older reps are out performing the younger reps on a head to head, when done according to the instruction by the top brass.

By "out performing" are you referring to more BI's that will NEVER see drug? If that is the case, by all means march to the front of the line. Those $100's you make in bonus will be so worth all the damage control you are doing around the clock with your customers.

The whistleblower or whistleblowers begin to shout
Dilip Dilip oh Dilip you are losing clout
India's shareholders demand change
Questioning corporate governance is not strange
Those reports to SEBI are so much true
Oh my American friends how I wish you so knew

The whistleblower or whistleblowers begin to shout
Dilip Dilip oh Dilip you are losing clout
India's shareholders demand change
Questioning corporate governance is not strange
Those reports to SEBI are so much true
Oh my American friends how I wish you so knew

The news printed in India casts a very long shadow onto Sun, as it shines light on the deep, systemic issues that call the core integrity of this company justly into question.

The whistleblower or whistleblowers begin to shout
Dilip Dilip oh Dilip you are losing clout
India's shareholders demand change
Questioning corporate governance is not strange
Those reports to SEBI are so much true
Oh my American friends how I wish you so knew

Motivational poem of the day

Dilip, Dilip, you’re the man,

you’ve conquered Mumbai, Delhi, and Iran.

Caught cheating in India,

and failed in the States.

Mostly due to your ego first mates.

Brought Abhay from India,

to win U S A.

The results are in,

you got plenty to pay.

Sun products are junk,

and you cannot produce.

Yet you still have a chance,

cut Abhay loose