For real sweetie, learn how to relax like us super duper smart managers/video producers that got wannabe MBAs from Harvard- take a beer bong and DONT FORGET TO FILM IT SO IT LASTS FOREVER. HAGW!!!!!!
So lose a few pounds
"grow up" and let the managers mock women and gays in public videos and chat rooms? Take blatant discrimination "in stride"? You're an idiot.
How about you crawl back to your ignorant bigot life and stop trying to be a "leader" at this company. No one respects you.
Who are they?[
Your mom is pretty hot!
"grow up" and let the managers mock women and gays in public videos and chat rooms? Take blatant discrimination "in stride"? You're an idiot.
How about you crawl back to your ignorant bigot life and stop trying to be a "leader" at this company. No one respects you.
Male, Female or Transgender?
We need a Hottest Reps now that we have all the a** from St Jude. C'Mon boys- who's the hottest pieces in your territory. Welcome to Abbott- yeeeeehaaaw..... this is how we do it here...
We need a Hottest Reps now that we have all the a** from St Jude. C'Mon boys- who's the hottest pieces in your territory. Welcome to Abbott- yeeeeehaaaw..... this is how we do it here...
This is how promotions are decided
Yes they are. Just ask Mr. Dale- "meritocracy" HAHAHHAHAHA
We need a Hottest Reps now that we have all the a** from St Jude. C'Mon boys- who's the hottest pieces in your territory. Welcome to Abbott- yeeeeehaaaw..... this is how we do it here...
Male, Female or Transgender?
Male, Female or Transgender?
Homophobia still runs rampant at Abbott?
Homophobia still runs rampant at Abbott?
Homophobia still runs rampant at Abbott?
Homophobia still runs rampant at Abbott?