
Roche style failure has gone viral, it's reached the tipping point. Just look at actemra, marketing, management, sales.

What are you smoking? Look at Actemra as you mentioned! How many Roche people are still on the brand? When there were mostly Roche people on the brand they exceeded goal. Now Genentech dolts dominate the brand and the brand is dying......Only, two Roche people left with Genentech dolts all the way to the top and you use Actemra as an example of "Roche style failure"?

Hard to say who's to blame. Different division Roche Legacy here, and our lives have gotten totally f'd up since the merger. Seems like Genentech crap is bringing us down.
Guess it's all in your perspective........

Genentech is a sad low achieving place, pathetic in every area, angry incompetent people working everywhere, the perfect example is the bozo working in jax son vil fl0ri da in transplant division

sorry all, gene is a place filled with passive aggresive LOSERS that have not had to work hard in years. Try marketing and selling in an environment where the product is not a game changer. Try not to get caught up folks, great scientists - complete useless POS in the support functions.

Here is how the marketing meetings go.....

Do you have cancer?
Yes? we have something for that.

Great job guys.