Hospital Executive Account Specialist


Contacted about a Hospital Executive Account Specialist role for CV/Respiratory. Any thoughts on this position and opportunity to be successful? Salary range? Car? Bonus target and potential?


if it's for CV, don't do it. The strategy is terrible, the numbers are messed up and they will lay you off soon if Seralaxin doesn't make it. Also, Entresto is not a hospital product. It's a dangerous place to be. Beware. Ask questions about why so many positions open.

What is going on with all the Cardiovascular Positions?
People are smart and leaving or deciding not to take these positions. Both hospital and CSS specialists not a good place to be. Way too many people not enough places to go managed-care roadblocks shut down offices very slow uptake not enough growth to sustainthis many reps

People are smart and leaving or deciding not to take these positions. Both hospital and CSS specialists not a good place to be. Way too many people not enough places to go managed-care roadblocks shut down offices very slow uptake not enough growth to sustainthis many reps

What no "memory maker"

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