Hope you have no plans on co-promoting

Interesting. In the time since worked there, I a. became far better off in every possible way and b. now realize how many actionable claims I might have initiated had I trusted my instincts. Even sophisticated people like the poster above assume some limits. But there was one boundary crossed that still boggles my mind. Be well, be rich but stay safe. Don't let anyone take what good resides within you, for the sake of your children if not for yourself.

I don't care anymore, figuring the org will earn its reputation, person by person anyway.

Your naive, as well as stupid, I have a bridge for sale do you want to buy it? anyone who is extremely successful doesn't play by the rules, this is true in any industry, every hear of Microsoft? Goggle, Apple , ect ect all of the companies walk a thin line on the law, that's why they are in the courts as I write this .
Wonder why your living in a $100,000 apartment with 2 kids and a dog. Maybe if you were more creative you could move up in the world. Like me 3 ACES ,kids go to private school, three cars one a Cadillac. Sorry if I broke the rules, shot me.

Losing sleep ? that's because you cant afford the finer things in life, you should have listened to your manager like me, and you would have made ACE, and have $200,000 in the bank .

Like I said your a bitter, jealous person, and do not have the nerve to break the rules a little.

Get off the crack pipe, I'm not naive or stupid, I just choose to live with honor and you're a scum, no big deal. This will catch up with you and the company will dump you all and laugh or you'll get caught and canned, good luck. FYI..I don't need to send my kids to private school b/c I live in an upscale area where public schools are awesome, clearly you're a NYC creeper if you're talking 100g apartment, I have a house worth 300g, a company car and a luxury car (not a pos caddy), I got a couple aces before I left so yep I've got bank. It doesnt take nerve to break the rules, it takes being noble to do the right thing..... congratulations scum.

Your naive, as well as stupid, I have a bridge for sale do you want to buy it? anyone who is extremely successful doesn't play by the rules, this is true in any industry, every hear of Microsoft? Goggle, Apple , ect ect all of the companies walk a thin line on the law, that's why they are in the courts as I write this .
Wonder why your living in a $100,000 apartment with 2 kids and a dog. Maybe if you were more creative you could move up in the world. Like me 3 ACES ,kids go to private school, three cars one a Cadillac. Sorry if I broke the rules, shot me.

Losing sleep ? that's because you cant afford the finer things in life, you should have listened to your manager like me, and you would have made ACE, and have $200,000 in the bank .

Like I said your a bitter, jealous person, and do not have the nerve to break the rules a little.

Hey, mine is bigger than yours plus I was recently tested for any significant ab titer for the Spanish Fly as determined by ICap. Mine was negative so my package is secure.

Regarding the mutt who keeps posting crap about TFS reps and the company, Here is an idea,, you f-ing loser!! Stop spending time on these boards and go spend time with your kids. Yours soo Pathetic....

HELLO.....???? This is a board, people are allowed to post whatever they want! Apparently the TFS/Phadia folks are getting a little twitchy because the truth is starting to seep out....oh well.

The new VP of Sales. Sleazy Bitch. You're in for a ride of your life. You thought things were bad, just wait. She'll run TFS into the ground just like she did at Quest. You fools