Honest question - thanks in advance

The only people who do well here are in good territories, plain and simple. Check your reimbursement and wage index in the territory before you come here. If in Federal, check to see actual usage versus "potential". Potential means they don't use the product and the docs are getting paid to use something else. Clinical data is old. Many docs dont give a crap about "good data", they use what the hospital says they can. Comp plan is better, the Merck jerks are pretty much all gone, benefits plan and retirement sucks and is worst in industry

Not sure if this is the place to ask this, as the majority of the posts seem wildly negative, but what would your honest advice be to someone who is about to interview with this Organogenesis?

Honest please...just looking for REAL pros and cons regarding the company, product, pay, management, culture, etc.

It's hard enough to be seeking a good fit for employment, it shouldn't be that hard to get honest feedback. Thanks much!

Or maybe happy reps aren't posting here? ; )

News flash! It shouldn't be so easy to anonymously post looking for "honest feed back" while pretending to be a qualified candidate with an interview scheduled to boot. Seriously? you might be qualified, or you might be one of those sell-out market researchers looking to leech marketing information. Be it "Candidate screeners" searching indeed or monster then surprise! A pop call to "screen qualified candidates" for an un-known un specified position, armed with lots of market specific questions....really? On the other hand, we read over and over again about these "candidates posting for insight" not buying it, not at all. You want us to bleed industry facts to help you? Share who you are, what position your are interviewing for and your qualifications. Till then, quit the bleeding heart sappiness.