Honest question - thanks in advance


Not sure if this is the place to ask this, as the majority of the posts seem wildly negative, but what would your honest advice be to someone who is about to interview with this Organogenesis?

Honest please...just looking for REAL pros and cons regarding the company, product, pay, management, culture, etc.

It's hard enough to be seeking a good fit for employment, it shouldn't be that hard to get honest feedback. Thanks much!

Or maybe happy reps aren't posting here? ; )
It depends on your territory & manager but now has the best IC plan I've ever heard of. Goals are reasonable and the management has been in place for a long time. Clinically the strongest products in the industry. New product coming too that should help. It's as good a place as any. Look at any board and you see negativity.

Good lcuk!
Don't believe him. Obviously written by the same executive that keeps trying to spin things. This place isn't what it used to be. Many reps unhappy. Plan, while much better and more realistic than it used to be is still not great. New product coming but is too little too late and is a band-aid on a bleeding gut wound from which many feel like we won't recover. Don't waste your time. Many of us have resumes out and are riding this out as long as we can until we find something better.
I am not an executive. They are a bunch of out of touch dinosaurs if you ask me. They come to the parties but are never in the field and are clueless about life in a WCC.

I'm just someone who cares & I hate cynics who write on our board who don't work here. Us reps are thrilled with the new plan (and the new outlook for the company as a whole). Ask HR to speak with some Reps off the record after your interview to find out for yourself. We love the plan. I sell less than I did 3 months ago and doubled my pay. Same story all over the country. It's the only positive thing the executives have done in 5 years.

Go back to our message board from 2011 and you will hear "the place is not what it used to be." The grass is always greener. Lastly, check our clinical data for yourself versus any competitor. You asked a good question. I can tell you the tools and the data are available to judge for yourself if you are serious about joining us. This place can be a gold mine. Check out our plan side by side versus any competitor. Plus we have the best products.

Good luck.
No rep would honestly come on here and spin and defend like you are. It's sad really. Just sad. The fact that we have a cheerleader trying to tell us "it's all going to be ok" speaks volumes about where things are with this company. The fact that you think it's good that you are selling half of what you used to is exactly the problem. You are acknowledging that our sales are significantly less than they used to be. Work less, make more- yeah sounds good in the short term. But in the long term it is a recipe for disaster. Spin doctors like you are the reason many of the best people aren't here anymore. And why many are soon to follow.
No rep would honestly come on here and spin and defend like you are. It's sad really. Just sad. The fact that we have a cheerleader trying to tell us "it's all going to be ok" speaks volumes about where things are with this company. The fact that you think it's good that you are selling half of what you used to is exactly the problem. You are acknowledging that our sales are significantly less than they used to be. Work less, make more- yeah sounds good in the short term. But in the long term it is a recipe for disaster. Spin doctors like you are the reason many of the best people aren't here anymore. And why many are soon to follow.


Making more money, and selling less, ends up with an unhappy ending.
It's sad? It's really sad? Are you out of your mind or just an Epifix rep? You are offending too many people who work too hard day in day out for too long to make OI what it is even if you don't like it..

If you do work here please leave. You will be just as miserable a person somewhere else. Go be their problem.

Confirm these FACTS for yourself:

Best IC plan in the country. Compare side by side with anyone
Best science/biology with real data in the world. Compare side by side with anyone
Best new product profile (clinical or otherwise). Compare with anyone in the country.

Don't listen to this insulting jerk. Last post from me. Good luck.
The main products, if they were children, would be applying to colleges right about now. Oldest unchanged product line in the biz. The great clinical data is from the 90's.
New product line is terrible. Physicians are going to see right through it. And once again, our story is changing. How much creditability do we lose year after year as our story changes? And best comp? Laughable- I know the guys over at Osiris and MiMedx are making more. Our data is old- we have nothing new that has actually moved the needle. This place sucks. Plan and simple.
New product line is terrible. Physicians are going to see right through it. And once again, our story is changing. How much creditability do we lose year after year as our story changes? And best comp? Laughable- I know the guys over at Osiris and MiMedx are making more. Our data is old- we have nothing new that has actually moved the needle. This place sucks. Plan and simple.

Then you and your selfworth probably should go to Osiris and MiMedx!
I said that was it from me but thank you to whomever for backing me up.

Our data from the 90's is still 1,000 times better than your silly study of 20 people in 1 center with 1 doctor using healthy people in one group and non-healthy obese patients in the other. It is your product the industry sees right through. A first year med student would get kicked out of school for publishing such a study. The laughable data only justifies the purchase for the WCC. When a wound needs to heal they come to us. Keep the economics the same we would outsell all our competitors 100 to 1. They have no data and do not heal wounds (that otherwise would not heal by itself).

Back to the original question - You can see now that that is a disgruntled Mimedix or Osirus rep on our board. He's probably upset because after 8 applications with their product that did not heal the wound the patient was then healed with 1 or perhaps 2 of our cell therapies. Our cell biology is proven. Ask our patients. Even after 15 years no product comes close.

Again I suggest you put our IC plan, clinical data and product profiles side by side with anyone in our space and you will see we by far offer the most opportunity and upside than anywhere else in the industry. Above all our people are our greatest asset. It is a privilege working for such a marvelous company with such wonderful people committed to science and revolutionary technologies. Our new product will be unstoppable.

Even if this guy is an OI rep he is only unhappy because he is not a good rep. "This place sucks"? No it's you that probably suck. Leave. The better reps here do very well. This company stands by and rewards its performers. The new plan certainly sees to that.

Good luck.
Unforetunately they didn't lay off their overpaid worthless buddies, they aren't assets. For every worthless buddy they could have kept at least three under paid production employees.

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