Honest assessment of working for Mylan

That whole diatribe can be summed up by "my boss sucked" which is about 30% of the time at Mylan per NSM polls. Most Mylanites just experience shitty pay. Great Gov't style job is the real truth but pay is simply bad... Dey was more relaxed and payed a lot better, Mylan is a better stock and has more longevity... 6 in one hand... half a dozen in the other. The best of the best have left or are leaving and mother Mylan don't care y'all! Wake Up!

Just looking for an honest assessment of working as a rep for Mylan, pro's and con's. We all know the pharma industry is influx and most gripe and moan about their company whether it's Phizer or some small specialty operation.

Just looking for honest feedback on working for Mylan. I know the bonus comp is on the lower end, but with a better quality of life than a Astrazeneca etc. the lower pay might be justified.

Are reps tracked via ipad? Minimum # of calls and micromanaging etc?

with competition launching against the epipen I'm looking for feedback. I haven't seen much on layoffs on Myland when compared with the other big pharma companies.

thanks in advance

Layoffs? Did you count the 600 or so employees that lost their jobs when they closed the Dey L.P./Napa facility?

And the 100+ with the closing of the NJ office. And the one-offs let go with every realignment or manufactured terminations. The Executives and Sr Leadership making serious coin while destroying long-time, loyal employees' incomes that Made this company. Scum buckets, the Worst run, most unethical company in the industry.

What advice? We are all dumber for reading your BS post, Mylan is HQ'd in Pittsburgh your post makes no fukin sense. Pills are made in WV and Dey was in NJ and after the merger it was a matter of time that they would close NJ you idiot. Its really obvious that Wall St cares about the old HB news - NOT! The real answer is: It is like working for the Gov't here except we have more stress and get paid sh!t. Have some balls and brains and read the fukin title of the thread- honestly this is who is left here- idiots!

The above seems to help answer your Cali NJ questions, seems more like business decisions than ethics no?

If you knew the history, you would know Everything was operated out of Cali until the Mylan purchase. Buildings were owned, not leased. Who wouldn't want to work for a Napa Valley company. It was an awesome environment.

When Carolyn became Pres, she wanted all Comm Ops moved to NJ, she didn't want to keep traveling to Cali from NY, so they opened (leased) the NJ office that was vacated by Reliant. In answer to you question, Poor business decision, financially. It wasted money (when we had buildings that were already paid for with plenty of room to expand), to accommodate 1 person's travel needs. It all went down hill from there...

It is sad, many people loved working for the company. A once wonderfully run and ethical organization where we were all proud to be a part.

The history is Dey was a dog and was for sale. If Mylan didn't step in with deep pockets the whole outfit would be tits up! CA and NJ operations were always moving to PA/WV. You can say all you want about old Dey, the company would not survive today! Ethics are great but Finance wins every time! Wolf of Pharma!!!

Wolf of Pharma, you're an IDIOT! Many people take offense to Dey being called a dog. It was an exceptionally well run organization, Both ethically and Financially. Books could be written on the money wasted by Mylan and its senior leadership. Did you read the Wallstreet Journal article about Robert Coury's son using the corp jet for his singing gigs all across the country? Good financial decision? I think not! What a Shithole, Mylan treats its employees horrible while the leadership places themselves on pedestals.

The history is Dey was a dog and was for sale. If Mylan didn't step in with deep pockets the whole outfit would be tits up! CA and NJ operations were always moving to PA/WV. You can say all you want about old Dey, the company would not survive today! Ethics are great but Finance wins every time! Wolf of Pharma!!!

The wolf is right Dey was a dawg! That company would have folded like a lawn chair! Anyone that thinks Dey was a better company than the global company Mylan has become is the true idiot.

I was hired by Dey and had a great DM. Then Mylan started to take over and things steadily started to change for the worse. My DM left and I had one joke of a DM after another, 4 in two years to be exact. One of the four lasted 9 months. In that 9 months I never received a field contact report and the new DM that replaced him (straight out of field sales) delivered my year end evaluation which was full of info that I had no clue where it came from. I questioned it, asking if he was sure this info was my evaluation. He said yes, I asked who actually evaluated me since my prior DM of 9 months had been gone for 2-3 months and I never had a Field Contact Report from him. He reported that he filled out my eval with input from the region manager. I asked based upon what. He told me "...based upon what your former DM told him." WTH, total BS and an HR nightmare. Of course, I was questioning because the bogus eval was less than favorable (unjustifiably so) and I was not getting a salary increase. I called HR to question these tactics and lodge a complaint and from then on I had a target on my back. I had no choice but to seek out other opportunities. My district lost 4 good reps in the 6 months that followed. I have never worked for a more f'd up company in my nearly 20 year career. Things happen for a reason, I landed a great gig and I am very happy. I still keep in touch with a couple friends who still work at Mylan and from what I hear, it is still pretty bad. If you're unemployed, it's a job, if you have a job, steer clear!

Didn't you ever ask yourself why would long-time, loyal DMs, RDs and Marketing people that were committed, loved the cause and products, leave abruptly without a word? And did you ask yourself why you were told by HR or their supervisor not to communicate with them? Truth is Mylan Spec HR and Sr Leadership freak out when someone, especially in a leadership role, questions something like what's going on with IC, rankings, theirs and their team's treatment and voices their concerns. Those well meaning employees have no other choice but to leave, they want no part of the s#\t Mylan or their supervisor is serving up. Mylan's whole moto is intimidate, isolate, and separate. They don't want you to communicate with former employees because they are afraid the REAL truth will come out and you will leave too. Be patient, it will all be more clear in time...