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Home Office News: Reduce Force, Combine Ilumya & Specialty Derm

It’s bad when you find out your own district counterparts are dogging you. You can’t trust teammates or even your manager.
To the one in top 10 who badmouths everyone we all know how you are getting your scripts so stay in your own lane and don’t concern yourself with others. I don’t care who you are “fraternizing” with, leave your nose out of other territories and stop poaching scripts with your zip code temper tantrums. Worry about which hair you are going to wear instead.

I know who you are talking about and she is as fake as you get. I give her 5 stars for fooling everyone. Where the hell is compliance with her? The ones blatantly giving the middle finger to compliance get greatly rewarded and supported. It’s the Sun way, more shady you are the more you get a pat on the back.

I know who you are talking about and she is as fake as you get. I give her 5 stars for fooling everyone. Where the hell is compliance with her? The ones blatantly giving the middle finger to compliance get greatly rewarded and supported. It’s the Sun way, more shady you are the more you get a pat on the back.

Let me guess, Iluyma rep who sashays through offices flipping her various wigs while being ever so compliant (wink wink). She is on top for a reason. Money and rank aren’t worth it with the route she takes.

Let me guess, Iluyma rep who sashays through offices flipping her various wigs while being ever so compliant (wink wink). She is on top for a reason. Money and rank aren’t worth it with the route she takes.

She may be sashaying her way to the bank but her methods are a compliance nightmare and shows complete lack of morals. Andy get your TM in line. Docs and more so staff talks and it’s not positive. She and I have had polite conversations at meetings and I have nothing personal against her but I lose all respect for any woman that engages in some of her behaviors. And please Andy tell her to stop “helping a girl out” by filling out her bio coordinators forms with PHI!!! Sun doesn’t need any more bad press.

Not cool to see men or women go to certain unethical lengths to get scripts. I keep my focus on my business but when other’s actions could cause more problems and the spotlight put on Sun when it’s already hitting rock bottom that’s when I get pissed. For the remainder of time I’m here I’d like a break from the shit hitting the fan.

Toxic, toxic, toxic!! All companies have issues but this is at a different level. Everyone turning on each other, majority are miserable, same problems never a solid solution. The disdain for Sun is rampant.