
A repetitive and classless theme. How old are you?

15 and living with my m0mmy. I’m called an incel and I have a serious acne problem. My incel friends hate women, especially those who are named Karen because they’re always so mean to us. Oh, and I also suffer from a condition knowing as micro-penis

15 and living with my m0mmy. I’m called an incel and I have a serious acne problem. My incel friends hate women, especially those who are named Karen because they’re always so mean to us. Oh, and I also suffer from a condition knowing as micro-penis

I believe everything posted above....except your age.

Chris when you get done at Met Life Dean could use you help cleaning his toilets .I understand he pays the help well.

What would you know about getting paid, son? You’re a failure at every level. The disability welfare that we subsidize for your alleged “anxiety fits” isn’t earned income. And we will report this fraud if you don’t keep your brain damaged head down and stay off this board.

Boring, unoriginal posts from the incell, who now responds to himself in hopes to garner attention from anyone. I could go on to contrast the legendary performance and achievements by Chris, but why? Everyone who’s anyone knows about him. Go do something with your pathetic life, son. No one cares about your stupid opinions here

Hope this helps

We know that Kyle S is brighter thenyou.Hope this helps

“thenyou” is not a word. Work on your High School Equivalency Certificate, son and stay off this board. This is a space for high level executives in the clinical laboratory industry, to share their knowledge and wisdom. And you can’t even assemble a whopper junior correctly without layers of supervision.

hope this helps

“thenyou” is not a word. Work on your High School Equivalency Certificate, son and stay off this board. This is a space for high level executives in the clinical laboratory industry, to share their knowledge and wisdom. And you can’t even assemble a whopper junior correctly without layers of supervision. The only one that might need help making a whopper Is Chris .

hope this helps

How is the hardest toilet cleaner sales numbers doing? Opko can not be happy with them.