

The company has finally hit rock bottom now that Chris Hoagland was named a VP. For 16 plus years the guy did nothing. Now he is going to lead the company to the top.Hoagland should be cleaning toilets at Met Life Stadium.

The company has finally hit rock bottom now that Chris Hoagland was named a VP. For 16 plus years the guy did nothing. Now he is going to lead the company to the top.Hoagland should be cleaning toilets at Met Life Stadium.

No reason to be that cruel, but yes in the end just another Quest reject.

On point Chris will gone in 6 months.Just from the standpoint he will have to work.Cleaning toilets just might be a better opportunity for him. After all people call him the big hemorrhoid. Hope this helps!!!!!!!

No one respects Chris they should have give the job to Victor Roja. Now he would have been a great leader.
The time is ticking on the great idiot named Chris H. In less than a month the guy has done nothing. The people down south are starting to realize that he is in over his head. Hope this helps!!!

It is going to be a very busy weekend for Chris cleaning the toilet at Met Life Stadium.Do you think he is up for the challenge . We sure know he is not up for the challenge for building sales for the company. This bud is for the Chris clean the toilet nicely.

It is going to be a very busy weekend for Chris cleaning the toilet at Met Life Stadium.Do you think he is up for the challenge . We sure know he is not up for the challenge for building sales for the company. This bud is for the Chris clean the toilet nicely.

You are one crude individual. Have a little class.