HIV leadership

That was an overly hostile reaction to my post, so do yourself a favor and take three deep cleansing breaths. With an attitude like that, you are going to lose your Biopharma Club membership and end up driving an Uber, if that isn't already the case. Also, if you school someone else for, "...drinking so much Kool-Aid to dialogue intelligently.", than you shouldn't have ended that sentence with an adverb, because that is very bad grammatical form. I won't bother to explain the reasoning behind my post because you are, clearly, not able to have a rational and intelligent dialogue. That is how you should have worded the same response that you gave to me. Btw, I do not work for G. Namaste.[/QUOTE

Seriously! Time for you to cut back on the Kool-Aid! Btw, I think it’s great that you’re also an English teacher. Was that nice enough for you Mr./Ms./Mrs. Butt Hurt?

That was an overly hostile reaction to my post, so do yourself a favor and take three deep cleansing breaths. With an attitude like that, you are going to lose your Biopharma Club membership and end up driving an Uber, if that isn't already the case. Also, if you school someone else for, "...drinking so much Kool-Aid to dialogue intelligently.", than you shouldn't have ended that sentence with an adverb, because that is very bad grammatical form. I won't bother to explain the reasoning behind my post because you are, clearly, not able to have a rational and intelligent dialogue. That is how you should have worded the same response that you gave to me. Btw, I do not work for G. Namaste.

Seriously! Time for you to cut back on the Kool-Aid! I think it’s great that you’re also an English teacher. Btw, since you’re grading folks, it’s “then you shouldn’t have ended” not “than you shouldn’t have ended.” Got it Sunshine? Hopefully, that was nice enough for you Mr./Ms./Mrs. Butt Hurt.

Seriously! Time for you to cut back on the Kool-Aid! I think it’s great that you’re also an English teacher. Btw, since you’re grading folks, it’s “then you shouldn’t have ended” not “than you shouldn’t have ended.” Got it Sunshine? Hopefully, that was nice enough for you Mr./Ms./Mrs. Butt Hurt.

That's Mrs. Butt Hurt to you. I hope you, at least, drive a fancy Black Uber. Btw, I'm not an English teacher and don't require employment, not that it's any of your business. Enjoy working forever!

That's Mrs. Butt Hurt to you. I hope you, at least, drive a fancy Black Uber. Btw, I'm not an English teacher and don't require employment, not that it's any of your business. Enjoy working forever!

Then stop pointing out grammatical errors! You’re right! Your employment status is not any of my business, not that I EVER inquired. I INSINUATED you were an English teacher. Reading is fundamental!

Then stop pointing out grammatical errors! You’re right! Your employment status is not any of my business, not that I EVER inquired. I INSINUATED you were an English teacher. Reading is fundamental!

I'm not a Mrs. or unemployed, but I wanted you to think that, to elicit your predictable response. So, let's talk about you. Based on your Sophomoric diction, I'm guessing you are a 35-45 year old white guy that has a college education from a so-so school, that doesn't exactly turn out geniuses or Executives. Based on your dislike for women, you probably haven't had the best of luck in the ladies department. You likely have one divorce under your belt, if not more, and maybe even a restraining order(s)? You probably weren't too happy when the wifey left and took half of everything and now you are angry at women, make that all women, especially those who have authority over you, like MK and LH. You probably feel they don't deserve their jobs and would find criticism with anything they do, or don't do (boo hoo, the Q&A was fake, cry me a river). You weren't impressed when I claimed that 5 years in Executive management was impressive and failed to realize, those years are like dog years at their level, in any dynamic organization. You were probably also miffed because you've spent far more than 5 years in the sales field and have never been promoted. Maybe you have a female boss that has failed to see that you are a prodigy and should be running the company? You couldn't handle that job, because your quick Cafe Pharma response times, indicate that you don't get out too much. I'd imagine that when you aren't maligning female Execs online, than you are playing video games or participating in fantasy football leagues. In those cases, you can pretend to be victorious and some kind of hero, which doesn't remotely resemble your reality. That reality is that you are a bitter, lonely, middle-aged, chauvinistic white guy that hasn't had much success in life, and that's unlikely to change. Btw, I don't think Uber would hire you.

A man much more qualified and informed than myself feels that she is a tremendous talent, so that's good enough for me. She also has no qualms about canning shady dealers that threaten G with bad PR, stiff fines, and DOJ investigations and/or settlements. Kudos to her for taking out the trash. Were you aware she has an MBA from Harvard, which is a massive achievement? Do you have an MBA from Harvard? I barely passed my five week Culinary Institute wine tasting class final exam. Admittedly, I was a little drunk when I took that test. Aside from that, she has been with G for almost five years, which gives her a lot of experience and seniority, especially since so many Execs have jumped ship as of late. Do you really want her to leave and be replaced by some other Exec from another company who will take two years to get up to speed, and figure out how to use the communal printer? She's a lovely, strong, intelligent woman with terrific twin boys who is working her ass off, so get over that Q&A that got a few bad yelps.

Okay Melissa, pat yourself in the back lol

To post # 51. Great point with inarguable facts. The one fact you failed to mention is that women make up 60% of our workforce with an equal distribution of field management. Additionally, there is an affirmative action plan in place that puts women at the top of the hiring list in the name of "diversity". Doesn't matter if they are two bricks short of a $hit house, they will be hired. It is what it is. And let me tell you, with morons like Ocasio-Cortez it's no wonder we are in the state we are.

Tell me the first and last ethnic minority Gilead to be “given” a job they didn’t have to interview and was created for them? Privilege has its benefits! Remember the results of the numerous and meaningless employee surveys? Gilead committed to address the lack of opportunity and “INCLUSION” in senior/executive level leadership. Yeah right! Sure they will! All white leadership addressing their unearned privilege? That’ll happen!

The anger you have is palpable. You really need to seek out anger management therapy. Question for you. How many minorities were / are "given" positions both in academia and within publicly traded companies? For the last two decades we have seen an overcorrection in minorities "given" scholarships and jobs alike across America. All they need is either the right pigmentation or genitalia. Hey, I get it to a certain extent. However, we have gone overboard at this point. Everyone is a victim. #metoo, LGBTQ, African American, Asian American, Mexican American...the list goes on and on. Like I said, I'm African American. Neither my parents nor grandparents were slaves. I have no freakin idea what that would be like. A travesty to be sure. Regardless of race, unless you are mentally ill or have an addiction problem you live with four walls with heat. You have a microwave oven, refrigerator, running water, cable TV and a cell phone. So check yourself! Get on with it! Get over it..although for you there is nothing to get over. You have a college education and a job..a good job! What's your issue? The your great grandparents were discriminated against? Just like the Irish, Chinese, and Mexicans? You are a joke! Instead of listening to Rev Sharpton, why not take a page from Larry Elders? You are a disgrace to all hard working people... regardless of race or gender! Keeping you in check and keepin real! Bring it! Cuz I got nothing but an ass whupin to dish out!

nothing. He was about to quit and Burten gave him VP. And it’s not a man thing. Monica T was promoted to VP. Again appointment. no interview. And she’s an ethic monority. So your post was easily addressed. Tim P. Promoted. No interview. These are Scott’s people. Oh ya let’s look at DJ people. Wait, all the home office are gone. Back to original post.Melissa and her 3 gutless shills. Who gives a fuck about M Keys. Great singer but who cares about her politics. How much did we pay her for that? Anyone care to know? Let’s start with trip in private jet with piano. My god, what happen to Gilead.

Has anyone stopped to ask. If ERGs are supposed to make us a better company, why are we getting worse? Been downhill ever since. Bring back the white male womanizing leaders and let’s get back to making Gilead great again. Not to mention. The last Man standing is G Alton. Chief patient officer. WTF. Can anyone besides Greg tell us what he’s doing in that role. He’s worse then the part time SAMs that sit around all day searching the internet for formulary updates. And taking credit for the good ones. And blaming price for the bad ones. I’m here all week folks. 2

The anger you have is palpable. You really need to seek out anger management therapy. Question for you. How many minorities were / are "given" positions both in academia and within publicly traded companies? For the last two decades we have seen an overcorrection in minorities "given" scholarships and jobs alike across America. All they need is either the right pigmentation or genitalia. Hey, I get it to a certain extent. However, we have gone overboard at this point. Everyone is a victim. #metoo, LGBTQ, African American, Asian American, Mexican American...the list goes on and on. Like I said, I'm African American. Neither my parents nor grandparents were slaves. I have no freakin idea what that would be like. A travesty to be sure. Regardless of race, unless you are mentally ill or have an addiction problem you live with four walls with heat. You have a microwave oven, refrigerator, running water, cable TV and a cell phone. So check yourself! Get on with it! Get over it..although for you there is nothing to get over. You have a college education and a job..a good job! What's your issue? The your great grandparents were discriminated against? Just like the Irish, Chinese, and Mexicans? You are a joke! Instead of listening to Rev Sharpton, why not take a page from Larry Elders? You are a disgrace to all hard working people... regardless of race or gender! Keeping you in check and keepin real! Bring it! Cuz I got nothing but an ass whupin to dish out!

IF you are really African American you’re too far gone to reel in because you’ve bought into the justification of your own marginalization. Holding up Larry Elder as your shepherd is all we need to know about where you stand. Your reply is either conscientious stupidity or sincere ignorance and my vote is the former. Where is the fairness in the fact that as of last week a new Gilead VP HIV role (yet another layer of unneeded management which is another discussion) was created and given to a white male without even requiring an interview? I guarantee you his replacement certainly won’t be an ethnic minority. Systematic inequality permeates and is prevalent in everything about Gilead, the US and the world. Yet you justify it because your parents and grandparents weren’t slaves? You truly are delusional and lost to think that centuries of systemic legalized slavery and repression just go away whether you’re Black, White, Mexican, Asian, etc. Yup! It all just went away because you have a refrigerator, microwave and your water runs. That makes it all fair, right?

Whatever ethnicity you may truly be can you explain the FAIRNESS of opportunity and “INCLUSION” (Gilead’s and the overwhelming majority of corporate America’s “claimed” core value) in these numbers? Or should we just ignore these numbers since, after all, you “have a microwave?”

Here are the numbers from Fortune Magazine Fortune 500 CEOs:

32 white women (6%)

1 Latina (0.002%)

3 Black makes (0.006%)

464 white males (93%)

99.2% white overall

Yet the system was in your words “over corrected,” right? Wrong! Enjoy your microwave and refrigerator and I’ll continue to point out unfairness and lack of “INCLUSION.” What you’ve truly “dished out” is your willingness to be marginalized. That’s all you have and will continue to “dish out.”

Isn't your job to sell? Who gives a F about all this diversity and politics. Your stock sux I'm sick of treading water in the $65 range. Sell your company so I can dump this crap. Gee, thx for the dividend
Two things ruined Gilead
1. '04 KY. Infected G with a virus that even NB couldn't find a cure for. If you don't know who KY is, go back to bed. You have nothing to add
2. '12 Overlay reps. Made reps more expendable. If you could graph the use of fear as a motivational tool by FC, you could see a sharp increase after 2012
"just leave then" I did! Grass is actually greener. A mind is a terrible thing to waste

Isn't your job to sell? Who gives a F about all this diversity and politics. Your stock sux I'm sick of treading water in the $65 range. Sell your company so I can dump this crap. Gee, thx for the dividend
Two things ruined Gilead
1. '04 KY. Infected G with a virus that even NB couldn't find a cure for. If you don't know who KY is, go back to bed. You have nothing to add
2. '12 Overlay reps. Made reps more expendable. If you could graph the use of fear as a motivational tool by FC, you could see a sharp increase after 2012
"just leave then" I did! Grass is actually greener. A mind is a terrible thing to waste

You are seriously dumber than a rock. When a stock is at a relatively low price and trading at a low multiple, then it's a terrific buying opportunity. That's especially true when there is a new CEO who is likely to make some big moves with all those billions of dollars that were repatriated after the tax laws changed - duh. Also, KY was the glue that held this company together for a very long time. When he mentally checked out in the summer of 2017, and then officially retired a few months later, that had a bad domino effect on sooo many things. Also, if you no longer work for G, than why are you still posting about them? It's time to move on...

You are seriously dumber than a rock. When a stock is at a relatively low price and trading at a low multiple, then it's a terrific buying opportunity. That's especially true when there is a new CEO who is likely to make some big moves with all those billions of dollars that were repatriated after the tax laws changed - duh. Also, KY was the glue that held this company together for a very long time. When he mentally checked out in the summer of 2017, and then officially retired a few months later, that had a bad domino effect on sooo many things. Also, if you no longer work for G, than why are you still posting about them? It's time to move on...
Yeah, because outside of Triangle and Pharmasset, Gilead M&A has been wildly successful. Kite profits should start pouring in by 2027