The anger you have is palpable. You really need to seek out anger management therapy. Question for you. How many minorities were / are "given" positions both in academia and within publicly traded companies? For the last two decades we have seen an overcorrection in minorities "given" scholarships and jobs alike across America. All they need is either the right pigmentation or genitalia. Hey, I get it to a certain extent. However, we have gone overboard at this point. Everyone is a victim. #metoo, LGBTQ, African American, Asian American, Mexican American...the list goes on and on. Like I said, I'm African American. Neither my parents nor grandparents were slaves. I have no freakin idea what that would be like. A travesty to be sure. Regardless of race, unless you are mentally ill or have an addiction problem you live with four walls with heat. You have a microwave oven, refrigerator, running water, cable TV and a cell phone. So check yourself! Get on with it! Get over it..although for you there is nothing to get over. You have a college education and a job..a good job! What's your issue? The your great grandparents were discriminated against? Just like the Irish, Chinese, and Mexicans? You are a joke! Instead of listening to Rev Sharpton, why not take a page from Larry Elders? You are a disgrace to all hard working people... regardless of race or gender! Keeping you in check and keepin real! Bring it! Cuz I got nothing but an ass whupin to dish out!