Hiring Prostate Sales Force?

MHicks is the leader on the Urology side and Jim Vaughn (onc or uro) a previous rep as a COO? It's some leadership position. I actually have had dealings with MH and he's a good guy but 0 with JV other than the stories I hear.

Ok, problem with the prostate franchise is the beach dyed blond haired leader - "A"$$hole, "A"rrogant, and "U"nethical. Senior leaders need to watch his MO
I beg to differ-the problem comes from the Onc side and JV. The "bleach dyed blonde" expected results and help people accountable.....those people that have been slacking for 2+ years. TG was a great leader and expected results. The home office wanted "fall in line" instead of leadership.

All leaders should expect results, but there are few great leaders who actually care about HOW the results are earned. How unfortunate is it that any company allows their leaders to turn their heads to the truth. The majority of the breast team encompasses good and ethical people who have built a valuable brand. I will let Prostate answer for themselves

GHI is a joke. TG was awesome as a NSM but had to continually "butt heads" with Jim and Mike over the "successes" the breast side had (they haven't sold anything in 7 years) and figured Urology would "fall in line" like Oncology. It doesn't work that way-and they don't get it. Urology and Oncology are light-years away from each other. GHI honestly thinks that Oncotype DX is "standard of care" like the breast test but refuse to acknowledge that Myriad and Genome DX have "business skills" and are nimble with a common goal to dominate the respective markets. NCCN doesn't differentiate Oncotype DX from Prolaris or Decipher and Urologists could honestly care less. They only care about the bottom line and who is "hooking them up" the most to make their life (and the pts) easier. And GHI thinks because they "lucked out" with the breast assay that Urology would be the same. Total joke.

They want box checkers that grow business quarterly and have begun to hire managers that will "tow the line" who either know better but shut up (East is a stud) or morons (the rest minus Jason in the South) that don't question because they either don't know better or are simply clueless.

Good Luck fellow GHI folks (Urology) you're in for a rough time. I'll be shocked if they don't see a mass exodus to anywhere with people that have a clue about the industry.

Stay away.

So is TG gone? If so, that is too bad. I left a while ago because the culture was too intense and I didn't see the product taking off like the competition.

Honestly, I don't know but hoping for his sake he had a swift departure.....to anywhere. TG is a winner and GHI wouldn't know a winner if it smacked them in the face. Don't waste your time here......you'd be better off at a contract sales force in primary care earning 50k/year and get more satisfaction. Docs only use because of the rep. Period.

The areas that the test was sold clinically still do well. "Getting tests" from friends and selling the product to customers are two very different things. The relationship sale without the clinical is always short term.

The areas that the test was sold clinically still do well. "Getting tests" from friends and selling the product to customers are two very different things. The relationship sale without the clinical is always short term.


The areas that the test was sold clinically still do well. "Getting tests" from friends and selling the product to customers are two very different things. The relationship sale without the clinical is always short term.

This sounds like something straight out of the training department! Relationships aren't important....the clinical sale is! BWAAAAHHAAAAAA (BTW I never actually sold anything.....just had the institution that created the said sale>)

If you have a good product clinically-it will sell itself MORON. HAAHAAHAHAH
If not-you're stuck selling against the best reps with relationships. HAHAHAHAHA. It sells it self....thats why you have a salesforce. IDIOT. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHA