Hiring freeze

They have nothing to say. Not much too say. Current products not living up to expectations. Pipeline is lousy. Organization is bloated with non revenue people. Market cap half of what it was. Morale is lousy. New leadership is questionable. Other than that I love this place!

with all these upcoming layoffs, any chance we are headed for bankruptcy? think i should be safe but still concerning
Bankruptcy??? We make close to $500M a year in royalty/license agreements and our two products gross about $500M a year. So... we are bringing in about $1B a year. No. We are not headed for bankruptcy. We are headed for scrutiny as our bottom line keeps shrinking while our gross sales are flat. I think the world is wondering why we expanded with so many non sales producing positions like FRM's and KAM's. FRM's are great if you have an oncology product but not really all that needed for our products. I think they also be looking at the huge increase in headcount at the home office. Corporate communications has like tripled in size. My guess is that we are going to have to unwind a lot of the JR build out. He close to ruined this company. A good start would be to get rid of most of his cronies he brought in which brought in even more with the expansion of the KAM's and FRM's. They were all given sweet deals and ridiculous sign on bonuses from what I hear. They'll probably start axing them first. Just keep your head down an sell, sell, sell and we should all be ok once we get back to where we were before JR came on board. I miss Mark S. He'd have never lead us down the rabbit hole JR did. Time to get some adults who can keep their ego's on check to lead this company again.