Hiring freeze and layoffs

Bloodbath coming. HUGE restructuring of divisions and sell off of products.
Heard around Thanksgiving Axe will fall. Debt load unsustainable with current reps salary.

Companies keep positions posted during hiring freezes captain obvious

Others can confirm they've cancelled interviews with others or sent out blanket application denials

Stop adding fuel to the fire. Every post in every pharma thread in every company has these worries and possibilities of layoffs, comes with the territory. Keep working and full steam ahead in life. None of you on this thread have a magic eight ball to predict the future.

Blah blah blah same story different year. Always SOME layoffs every year with every company. Depends on how lean each division and district are and how their numbers are. That’s it. And yeah, Legacy Allergan REPS not EXECUTIVES have the merger LEGAL document outlining the 52 week full pay change of severance that embodies ANY lay-off within the first two years of the merger. Spare me the PDF you won’t post bc it doesn’t exist. Thanks bye. God speed.

Oh right there’s no 52 weeks full paid severance just like the reps laid off didn’t get MORE than the 52 weeks full paid severance. Regardless of if you were 10 years in or 10 days. The jealousy gets old.

I was being sarcastic. Allergan reps all minimally got 57 weeks when they were laid off. Not even just 52 so, yeah they will get it again within two years of the merger.

This summary is not intended to represent, nor shall it be construed as a contract of employment between you and Allergan (or any subsidiary or affiliate) (the “Company”), nor a contract to receive the compensation and benefits described above. The Company reserves the right to revise, supplement or rescind its compensation and benefit programs at any time for any reason to the extent permissible by applicable laws