Is there a hiring event in Boston, May 6-10, for people who could not attend last week?
she show and heard top candidate took another job where I was not selected. Saw this coming. blessings come in weird ways.Interviewed last week in ATL. They said to wait until Midweek this week so I wasnt expecting to hear anything but was still hoping. Did anyone hear they did NOT get the job yet? Did the recruiter let you know or the RSM? Thanks! I figure if the recruiter calls, I didn't get it, if the RSM calls the chances are better
If you have not heard by now you didn’t get the job but the candidate who did has not confirmed they are taking it. Once that candidate confirms you will be called and be told you didn’t get the hospital job which is not a hospital job unless they change their minds and make it a hospital job but they still might change their minds but they make quick decisions which might not be the right decision but we will stick to our decisions unless we say that but do the opposite. That is how it was explained to me by the regional. She was very sure of being unsure of the strategy. At least maybe. That’s a great hire.
Completely true. Minus a few interview exceptions.
They are confused on the roll out.
No company I’ve been with has ever been so unsure of what their strategy was at this stage and or if they were didn’t air it to people like vertex. It’s a reflection of leadership. Hope product reaches potential with this shaky start but they haven’t even filed. Get it right the first time. Not hopeful. Boston or bust! Yikes.
No offers have been made yet.