Hill's Pet Nutrition

I hate to rain on your parade, but Hill's has the most "legitimate" studies, or Grade 1 studies. Studies that actually matter, not ones with 1 dead cat and 2 barely living.
Letting doctors know about high sodium is not unethical, it is responsible. When they are recommending a diet to their clients, they should know the difference even if it is within AAFCO standards.

I hate to rain on your parade, but Hill's has the most "legitimate" studies, or Grade 1 studies. Studies that actually matter, not ones with 1 dead cat and 2 barely living.
Letting doctors know about high sodium is not unethical, it is responsible. When they are recommending a diet to their clients, they should know the difference even if it is within AAFCO standards.

Please define “legitimate” studies for me? Does published peer reviewed studies count? I don’t get you reference…. Unless you’re speaking of stage 4 renal patients that lived over 5x longer then expected after being placed on RC Renal…. But that’s called a success

This is just slimy Hills tactics because Hills rests on being first market and old science. But also answer me this, how much market share has Hills Lost? RC is up over 20% YTD and Purina is flat.

Another question? What is high sodium?

I get it, you work for Hills, you drank the kool aid, but your posts or either A) intended for someone who doesn’t know any better or B) you really are an old school snake oil salesman ; either way, walk away and accept that you are wrong.

Please define “legitimate” studies for me? Does published peer reviewed studies count? I don’t get you reference…. Unless you’re speaking of stage 4 renal patients that lived over 5x longer then expected after being placed on RC Renal…. But that’s called a success

This is just slimy Hills tactics because Hills rests on being first market and old science. But also answer me this, how much market share has Hills Lost? RC is up over 20% YTD and Purina is flat.

Another question? What is high sodium?

I get it, you work for Hills, you drank the kool aid, but your posts or either A) intended for someone who doesn’t know any better or B) you really are an old school snake oil salesman ; either way, walk away and accept that you are wrong.

Just to humor you, I will tell you that I am totally wrong. Now, if what you are saying is true, you should have at least 80% of the prescription market. You don't. Coming late to the party doesn't mean anything if you have a good product. I can cite you many examples in human medicine, household goods or consumables where a new product that is truly better took market share away from the dinosaur. It hasn't happened in the case of RC because their product isn't better. They think it is better, but it is not. Thinking you are the best and being the best are two different things. I may think I am as good as Lance Armstrong, but I have no chance of ever beating him if I go to the Tour de France.

Keep thinking you are better. It will do wonders for your ego.

Just to humor you, I will tell you that I am totally wrong. Now, if what you are saying is true, you should have at least 80% of the prescription market. You don't. Coming late to the party doesn't mean anything if you have a good product. I can cite you many examples in human medicine, household goods or consumables where a new product that is truly better took market share away from the dinosaur. It hasn't happened in the case of RC because their product isn't better. They think it is better, but it is not. Thinking you are the best and being the best are two different things. I may think I am as good as Lance Armstrong, but I have no chance of ever beating him if I go to the Tour de France.

Keep thinking you are better. It will do wonders for your ego.

Yeah, because switching soaps is just as easy as switching pets of their prescription diets. You are dumb two fold.

First, in order to take away business RC has to sell the doctor on the points of difference and science. Next, we have to sell the doctor on how to switch their current clients or, to start using on their next patients.

That sales cycle takes time, not as easy as picking up a different roll of toilet paper.
RC is successful due to the market share that we are taking from Hills, within the next 5 years, there will be a new market leader.

Fact is, name any diet of Hills and I will easily state why the RC alternative is superior.
(Y/D doesn’t count because it is just another example of “Hills Science”, really funny, sad and lame all at once).

No ego pal, working everyday to take away your business.

What are the criteria and / or preferred professional background for this position? Do referrals matter? What are the deal breakers? I have almost 10 years at same pharma co with butt kickin track record. NOT an young'un with unrealistic expectations about the corporate world and a bunch of cliches. Self aware, smart, and hard working. I have made well over 100k for 7 years. Having said that, the income is not the most important thing to me at this point. I am employed! I got a thanks but no thanks reply from the online post in SoCal. I am employed and fine with rejection but seriously, I am kick ass! Any insight? Anyone around here interested in meeting and possibly referring?

Did you get at least a telephone screen? Or did you go through the interview process and was weeded out?

Hi, can you tell me who normally conducts the phone screen? Could it potentially be a manager or just an initial screener? Also, I sure would appreciate any insight on the vet channel job? I am coming from human pharm side but I am really excited about this position? Can it be decent pay? Any and all feedback of the job would be so appreciated!

Home office HR department gave me my screening.I am waiting for F2F. Like the previous post, I have pharma background and would like all pertinent information on Vet sales at Hills. THANKS.

Anyone recently interview with this company? I completed a phone screen and a F2F panel interview. It's been a week and I haven't heard anything. Also, please someone tell me how much a sales rep - vet channel salary starts at. I'm guessing 50-60...? Is that close?

The above poster either doesn't work at Hills or is a poor rep who should get fired. The company is amazing to work for and someone with a pharma background should do well only if they truly worked at their pharma job. Training at Hill's is about 2 weeks in corporate and then there is field training on top of that.
As far as the science, Hill's has more studies around their products than all 3 other competitors COMBINED. Royal Canin is not a bad company, but they are not the most ethical when it comes to the way they sell their products. Also, the job is not as stressful as pharma.
Good luck!

I have worked for Hill's for several years. It sucks, period. They want people to believe that there is science behind each diet, but it is just a load of crap. Hill's is full of micro-managers. Go sell lemons at local farmer's market but do not work for Hill's if you want your sanity intact!

One of the worst company to work for is Hill's. Their R&D (based in Topeka, KS) is full of inept individuals, however, if you are good at kissing butt, you may get somewhere. Company is full of overpaid directors who barely knows anything about pet food, but they are good at b.s.'ing and kissing up. The bonus is a joke and they do just about anything to trim that every year. I have never worked at a place that is so full of worthless individuals with degrees. Yuck, STAY AWAY.

I agree with the above poster. Hill's is an OK company but there is a lot of micro management and a big lack of direction. It seems that the Territory Managers are just putting out fires every day. Bonus SUCKS. You will never get what is promised and their sales have been dropping every single quarter for the last 3 years. RC is their biggest threat and they can't seem to overcome it.

One of the worst company to work for is Hill's. Their R&D (based in Topeka, KS) is full of inept individuals, however, if you are good at kissing butt, you may get somewhere. Company is full of overpaid directors who barely knows anything about pet food, but they are good at b.s.'ing and kissing up. The bonus is a joke and they do just about anything to trim that every year. I have never worked at a place that is so full of worthless individuals with degrees. Yuck, STAY AWAY.

You could have wrote this? Are you joking. This is the best company ever. We dominate the market. We crush those loser at Purina and royal canin. Whoever posted this is a moron.