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Hillary Clinton has us in her sights

Trump will purge America of the illegal disease infested immigrants. He is going to write so many executive orders the Libs heads are going to shake. Make America Great Again

Savage Nation Government Zero

The sad truth is that this liberal hag is just a reflection of how pathetic, ignorant and just plain "Kardashianized" our once great nation has become. How low must the bar be set to allow this incompetent socialist wing-nut to not only make the cut but god forbid be the next President. Watching her flounder around at the Bengazi hearings I was praying that someone would just throw a bucket of water the witch and put her out of our misery. Oh well, look on the bright side,after 8 years of Obozo we should all be pretty numb to having Hills broomstick shoved up our collective arses for another 8.

8 years of Bush sucked ass too. 9/11 happened on his watch, the housing bubble burst on his watch, bailing out the banks who acted irresponsibly on tax payers' dime happened on his watch, the unfunded Medicare Part D plan that added to the national debt happened on his watch, two short sighted wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that added to the national debt and created chaos in the middle East happened on his watch and the Hurricane Katrina debacle happened on his watch. Stop acting like Republicans are perfect! Trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives were wasted during the Bush era. Obama, like Ken Frazier had to come in and fix the previous regimes messes. Grow up pansy. Your idea of a perfect white male dominated utopia is dead. Females and minorities who are growing in number in America will not tolerate your extreme right wing fantasy.

8 years of Bush sucked ass too. 9/11 happened on his watch, the housing bubble burst on his watch, bailing out the banks who acted irresponsibly on tax payers' dime happened on his watch, the unfunded Medicare Part D plan that added to the national debt happened on his watch, two short sighted wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that added to the national debt and created chaos in the middle East happened on his watch and the Hurricane Katrina debacle happened on his watch. Stop acting like Republicans are perfect! Trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives were wasted during the Bush era. Obama, like Ken Frazier had to come in and fix the previous regimes messes. Grow up pansy. Your idea of a perfect white male dominated utopia is dead. Females and minorities who are growing in number in America will not tolerate your extreme right wing fantasy.

Republicans perfect? Hardly, they now seem content to use the same tired and worn out playbook that the democrats, who have mastered the ability to infect our society with their adolescent ideology and create a perpetual dependence class of voters, who in turn will gladly sacrifice liberty and self reliance for a few government freebies in an almost a pathetic Pavlovian manner. But you are right in pointing out the disaster called Medicare part D. Funny, I cant seem to remember any democrats opposing this? Oh my bad, they tried to fix this government boondoggle with an even bigger one known as the ACA. I don't even know where to go with the Ken Frazier/Obama being Mr. fix it blurb. All I can say is that you are living proof that the ability to process information in a logical and rational manner is simply absent in far too many people (public education: the gift that keeps on giving!) And what is it with your females and minorities nonsense? last time I checked a brilliant African American surgeon by the name of Ben Carson was leading in many Republican polls? Oh, and is Carly Fiorina a man?

8 years of Bush sucked ass too. 9/11 happened on his watch, the housing bubble burst on his watch, bailing out the banks who acted irresponsibly on tax payers' dime happened on his watch, the unfunded Medicare Part D plan that added to the national debt happened on his watch, two short sighted wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that added to the national debt and created chaos in the middle East happened on his watch and the Hurricane Katrina debacle happened on his watch. Stop acting like Republicans are perfect! Trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives were wasted during the Bush era. Obama, like Ken Frazier had to come in and fix the previous regimes messes. Grow up pansy. Your idea of a perfect white male dominated utopia is dead. Females and minorities who are growing in number in America will not tolerate your extreme right wing fantasy.

So if I read you correctly, all females and minorities have to be left-wing douche bags like you? As an educated, free thinking black female I have to say I am deeply insulted

The sad truth is that this liberal hag is just a reflection of how pathetic, ignorant and just plain "Kardashianized" our once great nation has become. How low must the bar be set to allow this incompetent socialist wing-nut to not only make the cut but god forbid be the next President. Watching her flounder around at the Bengazi hearings I was praying that someone would just throw a bucket of water the witch and put her out of our misery. Oh well, look on the bright side,after 8 years of Obozo we should all be pretty numb to having Hills broomstick shoved up our collective arses for another 8.

When we become comfortable with inner city & low income communities, getting subpar Public Education this is what happens. The people we looked down our noses at, reproduce & eventually outnumber us in voting. Hence why if we're truly feed up with the Kardashianized ignorance, then we've got to start by making the Education of ALL children our priority.

Free thinking in what way ?

Free thinking: Making up ones own mind based on available information and facts using logic, common sense and experience. In other words, not blindly moving in lock-step with the pc crowd like a bunch of lemmings just because they have decreed that darker skin color pigmentation and an extra x chromosome demands that you be firmly planted on the "left world" planation. Is that clear enough for you? Probably not!!

Free thinking: Making up ones own mind based on available information and facts using logic, common sense and experience. In other words, not blindly moving in lock-step with the pc crowd like a bunch of lemmings just because they have decreed that darker skin color pigmentation and an extra x chromosome demands that you be firmly planted on the "left world" planation. Is that clear enough for you? Probably not!!
Clearly learn to spell and not ebonics

8 years of Bush sucked ass too. 9/11 happened on his watch, the housing bubble burst on his watch, bailing out the banks who acted irresponsibly on tax payers' dime happened on his watch, the unfunded Medicare Part D plan that added to the national debt happened on his watch, two short sighted wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that added to the national debt and created chaos in the middle East happened on his watch and the Hurricane Katrina debacle happened on his watch. Stop acting like Republicans are perfect! Trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives were wasted during the Bush era. Obama, like Ken Frazier had to come in and fix the previous regimes messes. Grow up pansy. Your idea of a perfect white male dominated utopia is dead. Females and minorities who are growing in number in America will not tolerate your extreme right wing fantasy.

8 years of Bush sucked ass too. 9/11 happened on his watch, the housing bubble burst on his watch, bailing out the banks who acted irresponsibly on tax payers' dime happened on his watch, the unfunded Medicare Part D plan that added to the national debt happened on his watch, two short sighted wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that added to the national debt and created chaos in the middle East happened on his watch and the Hurricane Katrina debacle happened on his watch. Stop acting like Republicans are perfect! Trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives were wasted during the Bush era. Obama, like Ken Frazier had to come in and fix the previous regimes messes. Grow up pansy. Your idea of a perfect white male dominated utopia is dead. Females and minorities who are growing in number in America will not tolerate your extreme right wing fantasy.
I'm not the poster you replied to, but you aren't being exactly (or even remotely) honest, either. The events you mentioned were years, if not decades, in the making. Today's decisions deliver tomorrow's ramifications. The many, many horrible actions that Obama has taken will harm this country forever. You can accept that or not, but it's true. And I'm a black male (imagine that). For some reason, people tend to think that should give my comments more credibility. That's also a mystery to me. The whole race thing is a mystery to me. Let's just accept the fact that sub-species of humans are different. It's a reality. Don't blame racism; accept that it's these differences that deliver racism. You won't understand; you probably think it's the Amish who are actually behind all of the acts of terror. Oh, but that, too, would be racist and we can't have that.

When we become comfortable with inner city & low income communities, getting subpar Public Education this is what happens. The people we looked down our noses at, reproduce & eventually outnumber us in voting. Hence why if we're truly feed up with the Kardashianized ignorance, then we've got to start by making the Education of ALL children our priority.

Let it go! Just like Washington, no one on CP is interested in solving the problem. Everyone just wants to moan, groan & point the finger. People aren't interested in putting differences aside in order to move America forward. You are unfortunately - the minority.