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Highest Paid SALARIES in US

Unless your a Senior Director at Pfizer making $200-300k or a VP making $300-400k. There is some Pfizer EQUITY for you!
You are about right.
The VP level w Pfizer is the only levels that would be similar to industry average. Most other positions are less.
No surprise Pfizer wasnt on the Top 25 US companies highest salary list.
Heck they are not even on the Pharmaceutical industry Top25 let alone all industries.
But they have never been & do not want to be at the top of compensation.
Nor do they want to be at the bottom so every few years they survey & calibrate to be around 50% tile in compensation. It has always been like this given payroll the company's 3rd greatest expense behind R&D and Benefits.

Good to see 2 established well known Biotechs in the Top 25 though. Not pharma per say, but kinda represents our industry.

You are about right.
The VP level w Pfizer is the only levels that would be similar to industry average. Most other positions are less.
No surprise Pfizer wasnt on the Top 25 US companies highest salary list.
Heck they are not even on the Pharmaceutical industry Top25 let alone all industries.
But they have never been & do not want to be at the top of compensation.
Nor do they want to be at the bottom so every few years they survey & calibrate to be around 50% tile in compensation. It has always been like this given payroll the company's 3rd greatest expense behind R&D and Benefits.

Good to see 2 established well known Biotechs in the Top 25 though. Not pharma per say, but kinda represents our industry.

so you do your time here then jump to biotech. duh

so you do your time here then jump to biotech. duh
No brainer.
If Biotech require min 10yr pharm exp to get top 25 US pay (well for Gilead #4 & Genetech #25 on this all corp ranking) then just punch your time clock w Pfizer for 120k then jump to 200k Biotech.
Not complicated plan unless you do not have high clinical selling skills & are just a IM PC Derm type of 20second stand up sample drop-- if so stay w Pfizer where you belong & have an average life.

Typical pfizer lazy 3hr day sample drop rep. You get what you pay for. No wonder pfe stock has been a dog and worse performing DOW stock the past 20 yrs.. look what they over pay for.

You get what you pay for. This is why it takes 2-3 reps selling the same products to the same customers at a time.

Marketing looks at quantitative warm body lazy man’s metrics like share of voice over the quality of those voices.

then, they scoff at the idea of paying those warm bodies that they hired and trained more money to do little.

There needs to be a rethink of the group think - make lucrative offers to proven top talent, give them 100% accountability, and let them do their jobs and trust but verify that they’ll do it in a compliant way.

Good to see at least a couple of top notch biotechs in the US top 25.
Not surprising Pfizer isnt on it as they are not even top 25 in their own Pharma industry.
Just in pharma they want to be in that 45-50% tile range so they can say "pay in top half of industry".
Also way too many reps with 2&3 rep territories to pay top salaries like solo 1 rep territories in biotech.

You get what you pay for. This is why it takes 2-3 reps selling the same products to the same customers at a time.

Marketing looks at quantitative warm body lazy man’s metrics like share of voice over the quality of those voices.

then, they scoff at the idea of paying those warm bodies that they hired and trained more money to do little.

There needs to be a rethink of the group think - make lucrative offers to proven top talent, give them 100% accountability, and let them do their jobs and trust but verify that they’ll do it in a compliant way.
Seems like a good idea but the lawyers and libs won’t let it happen- while internally top brass wants us to sell, however they would never admit that to anyone outside the organization, hence the dumbing down of incentive compensation.

Seems like a good idea but the lawyers and libs won’t let it happen- while internally top brass wants us to sell, however they would never admit that to anyone outside the organization, hence the dumbing down of incentive compensation.
Seems like solution if you are good is to go to were your pay is warranted & valued.

Well good to see 2 companies in the top US paid. Not suprising seeing Gilead & Genetech but thought few more might make the list.
Pfizer will never make any top 25 list regarding compensation
These are the highest paying companies, according to Glassdoor
#4 Gilead almost 170k salary
#25 Genentech 150k
Not bad representation in all of corporate America. Pfizer is 91k a year and was just outside top 100 but ranked 45th %tile in Big Pharma sector

Well only 2 Biotechs in the Top 25 Highest Salaries in the US
#4- Gilead
#25- Genentech

Zero Big Pharma or any co in our industry made the Top 25.
Rest of the Top 25 is the Whose Who of global industry.
Pfizer wouldn't be in the top 500 as they are only 50% in pay with just Big Pharma let alone all corporate America.

Top 25 out of tens, if not hundreds, of thousands companies is an extremely rare number.

Take a look at the top 25 percent.

Some companies like Biotech are high science that stay lean & pay for Talent.

Others like Big Pharma & Pfizer are marketers and that are multi layers & pay many reps for Share Of Voice.

Different business philosophies & models.
Biotech focus on high science & research to treat diseases.
While Big Pharma focus is on marketing & created a patient need or making up a market to capitalize.

Bottom pay for Talent or Number???