High delta transmission everywhere

Why do the freaks that got the “vax” continually want to push it on the rest of us. You got your vax. You’re protected. Leave us alone. We don’t like you and we don’t want to associate with you. Ever.

Why do the freaks that got the “vax” continually want to push it on the rest of us. You got your vax. You’re protected. Leave us alone. We don’t like you and we don’t want to associate with you. Ever.

<squish squish> <tears> Leave me alone! I am a whiny Karen!!!!
What a fucking LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do the freaks that got the “vax” continually want to push it on the rest of us. You got your vax. You’re protected. Leave us alone. We don’t like you and we don’t want to associate with you. Ever.

I completely agree with you!

Leave us alone! Let's hope you don't have issues with this vax down the road.
Stop bullying those of who are not getting it.

I completely agree with you!

Leave us alone! Let's hope you don't have issues with this vax down the road.
Stop bullying those of who are not getting it.
Bro we all do hope that this vax doesn't have effects down the road but do you realize we can go down the road only if we survive the present?
No one would have any problems with people choosing not to get vaccinated if they don't pose a threat of infection to those who CAN'T be effectively vaccinated (immunocompromised individuals) as well as breeding ground for variants that threaten the vaccinated!!

I completely agree with you!

Leave us alone! Let's hope you don't have issues with this vax down the road.
Stop bullying those of who are not getting it.
Sure we will leave you alone. Just make sure that you remain isolated at your home and NEVER step out. On behalf of the vaccinated I promise thee that no one will come to your home to vaccinate you or ask you to get vaccinated but you gotta stay in.

What’s the pulse on if or when the Salesforce will get pulled? If offices start shutting the doors to in person it doesn’t matter if reps are out in the field, all that is being done is fake calls and mileage. So realistically do we get pulled?

Sure we will leave you alone. Just make sure that you remain isolated at your home and NEVER step out. On behalf of the vaccinated I promise thee that no one will come to your home to vaccinate you or ask you to get vaccinated but you gotta stay in.

But but but you’re “vaxed” so you’re protected right? Why worry about me?

But but but you’re “vaxed” so you’re protected right? Why worry about me?
Oh yeah I am vaxed but I still need to worry bout you coz
- No vaccine provides 100% protection
- I am someone older/ transplant/ autoimmune disorder patient & hence vaccination may not prime my immunity to the extent needed for protection
- my young kid isn't yet in the age group approved for vaccination & is vulnerable to infection
- My vaccination was designed for the original covid strain and I don't know what variant may come out after several rounds of multiplication & mutation in you!!

Wanna live in the society then you gotta care about people around you! Else go & isolate yourself in your hole buddy!