High delta transmission everywhere


But get out and work!! Now!!
Interesting that the cdc considers high risk and high transmission to be greater than 10 per 100000. Bms thought they could push the limit for being in hospital-


Wait for it…wait for it….

Sr. Leadership will mandate vaccination here shortly. They’re just waiting for a few more companies to mandate it. BMS is a bunch of followers never a leader!!

As a DM, I am out in the field but very uncomfortable riding with my anti-vaxer, Fox Watching reps. I fear it puts me and my family at risk even though I have been vaccinated.

Should I contact HR.

I am black and everyone of my anti-vaxers is white so I am a little worried they will turn on me.

How is anyone who works in Pharma not on board with the vaccine? You obviously don’t understand the science and therefore have no business talking to doctors. As for the DBM who won’t ride in the car with your rep who is anti-vax, you shouldn’t have to. You are putting your health at risk. Your manager should understand that as should your VP of Sales.

How is anyone who works in Pharma not on board with the vaccine? You obviously don’t understand the science and therefore have no business talking to doctors. As for the DBM who won’t ride in the car with your rep who is anti-vax, you shouldn’t have to. You are putting your health at risk. Your manager should understand that as should your VP of Sales.
superbly indoctrinated and devoid of thought. being unvaxed does not automatically mean one is infected. try to jam this little bit of science into your propagandized pointy head: the vax isn’t the only way one acquires immunity. People have in fact recovered from covid and attained immunity. think about that before you look down on your fellow human beings. feeling sanctimonious?

How is anyone who works in Pharma not on board with the vaccine? You obviously don’t understand the science and therefore have no business talking to doctors. As for the DBM who won’t ride in the car with your rep who is anti-vax, you shouldn’t have to. You are putting your health at risk. Your manager should understand that as should your VP of Sales.

You sound like you learned your science from Bill Nye.

As a DM, I am out in the field but very uncomfortable riding with my anti-vaxer, Fox Watching reps. I fear it puts me and my family at risk even though I have been vaccinated.

Should I contact HR.

I am black and everyone of my anti-vaxers is white so I am a little worried they will turn on me.

Can't you drive your own car?

How is anyone who works in Pharma not on board with the vaccine? You obviously don’t understand the science and therefore have no business talking to doctors. As for the DBM who won’t ride in the car with your rep who is anti-vax, you shouldn’t have to. You are putting your health at risk. Your manager should understand that as should your VP of Sales.

How is anyone who works in Pharma not on board with the vaccine? You obviously don’t understand the science and therefore have no business talking to doctors. As for the DBM who won’t ride in the car with your rep who is anti-vax, you shouldn’t have to. You are putting your health at risk. Your manager should understand that as should your VP of Sales.

Just show me data, dosing and administration, warnings and precautions, contraindications, and adverse events in the FDA approved package insert…oh wait….

Can't you drive your own car?

Sure, and then go stand beside them all day in sample closets and do a lunch with them in a break room no bigger than a closet?

If they had Ebola, no one would question it. But because Fox News, Bunker Boy and Ben Shapiro politicized it, the Fox Watching crowd has dug in. I don't want to be around them.

superbly indoctrinated and devoid of thought. being unvaxed does not automatically mean one is infected. try to jam this little bit of science into your propagandized pointy head: the vax isn’t the only way one acquires immunity. People have in fact recovered from covid and attained immunity. think about that before you look down on your fellow human beings. feeling sanctimonious?
Funny post. I can’t tell whether you are an ill informed lefty or righty. Hilarious, yet frightening that you work in pharma.

Well, I guess 4.3 million people worldwide “tried” to get immunity by getting the virus. Unfortunately they all died. Hope that doesn’t include any of your loved ones. If you are unvaccinated, I hope you are wearing a mask when you are in the presence of your fellow humans. When the FDA approves the vaccine, will you get it?

Well, I guess 4.3 million people worldwide “tried” to get immunity by getting the virus. Unfortunately they all died. Hope that doesn’t include any of your loved ones. If you are unvaccinated, I hope you are wearing a mask when you are in the presence of your fellow humans. When the FDA approves the vaccine, will you get it?

This right here 100%

Well, I guess 4.3 million people worldwide “tried” to get immunity by getting the virus. Unfortunately they all died. Hope that doesn’t include any of your loved ones. If you are unvaccinated, I hope you are wearing a mask when you are in the presence of your fellow humans. When the FDA approves the vaccine, will you get it?
Actually, I’m vaccinated and was promised by the President on May 13th that I would never have to wear a mask again. What a surprise, the moron was wrong again - I get the last laugh, no mask because of my “medical exemption”

Actually, I’m vaccinated and was promised by the President on May 13th that I would never have to wear a mask again. What a surprise, the moron was wrong again - I get the last laugh, no mask because of my “medical exemption”

Put on your big boy/girl pants and quit being such a fucking whiner.

Actually, I’m vaccinated and was promised by the President on May 13th that I would never have to wear a mask again. What a surprise, the moron was wrong again - I get the last laugh, no mask because of my “medical exemption”
That is not what he said, but go ahead and manipulate the statement to confirm your narrative. Do you ever get tired of manipulating the truth because you are always wrong?

Well, I guess 4.3 million people worldwide “tried” to get immunity by getting the virus. Unfortunately they all died. Hope that doesn’t include any of your loved ones. If you are unvaccinated, I hope you are wearing a mask when you are in the presence of your fellow humans. When the FDA approves the vaccine, will you get it?

4.3 million out of 7 billion. I think I’ll take my chances considering most we’re older with comorbidities. Thanks tho lol.

4.3 million out of 7 billion. I think I’ll take my chances considering most we’re older with comorbidities. Thanks tho lol.
You obviously haven't been keeping up with data!!!
1. the young and middle aged have succumbed in large numbers to the delta variant- they get very sick very quickly.
2. the usage of term co-morbidity has led people to assume that those people would have anyway died soon as if they had very serious ailments!! Check the co-morbidity data from New York covid database and then google what percentage of people and at what age they have hypertension/ diabetes!! One an live for decades with these conditions but getting covid can be fatal for them.
3. Right now we have a virus for which we have an effective vaccine but the more you and other anti-vaxers give it a chance to multiply, the higher is the risk for entire humanity of a virus that maybe beyond control.

India with majorly young population escaped the first wave with a lot fewer fatalities in the first wave so they assumed the same as you are doing now that it's only the already sick and old who will die and look what happened!! Almost every Indian knows someone in 20s-40s who died in the second wave (don't go by their official numbers, their official data is as truthful as China's information on initial phase of covid).

TRIED to get immunity? Who “tries” to catch a disease? Is your brain on covid?
too many jabs?

btw, here’s some nice science for your pointy head:
antibody dependent enhancement
pathogenic priming
Everyone who was supporting the distorted definition of 'herd immunity' and asking to follow Sweden's no lock down policy & let the disease take it's own course!! All those idiots did think of getting immunity by infection. Always amusing to hear non immunologists take a couple of words from immunology and talk non sense :)

But I do agree that not all who died were the ones who disbelieved science or down played the seriousness of covid and wish it wasn't so.