Hey Slattery...not so fast...

yep ML is free to move on and the owners are free to spend their money that they deserve. Without them there would be no company at all. It is all perspective, and has been a fun event to watch unfold.

what a ending!!!

Must have a superstellar legal team - millennium went from one foot in the grave to one big boner in the legal systems a$$

All these comments about millennium in trouble are from their competitors. Y'all need to worry about your own company since you don't have enough business to survive. Bottom line is millennium cleared major hurdle and will survive and move on. Good luck to you loser reps that will bounce from lab to lab.

You have to be kidding me... So the company is now ran by the banks, do you think they give a sh*t about tox? NO, they want to get the money back.. This means they will start to sell off assets and looking over the books.. On top of that there will be a cut in the head count with the company, you have already seen that with PGX. Do you think any physician would be just fine with dong business that was fined 250+ million for FRAUD?? Give me a break you terd.. That is the kool aid you guys are drinking..

You have to be kidding me... So the company is now ran by the banks, do you think they give a sh*t about tox? NO, they want to get the money back.. This means they will start to sell off assets and looking over the books.. On top of that there will be a cut in the head count with the company, you have already seen that with PGX. Do you think any physician would be just fine with dong business that was fined 250+ million for FRAUD?? Give me a break you terd.. That is the kool aid you guys are drinking..

Nice try but you missed at least one key statement in the article. They are not absolved from any criminal prosecution. Taking into consideration that they have admitted numerous times in court to having committed improper and illegal activities in their promotion of the lab, this might still be wide open should someone elect to file specific charges. Unlikely but possible.

Have to correct you. Not unlikely. Probable.
This will get interesting. Happy Holidays head tumor