Why is the Company so unsuccesful?
1. Contract issues ?
2. No R & D ?
3. No upper management creativity/knowledge of the present sales environment?
4. Nepotism and/or inbreeding (upper management keeps hiring like minded DUDS!) ?
5. Foreknowledge in the industry?

All opinions are welcomed.
No products. Yet, Sharon and her team are blaming the reps for sales performance to date. Making changes in reps won't make a difference. Check the numbers a year from now.
Did anyone notice that the only doctors at the AAOS booth were ones that Sharon is paying? No regular customers. NOT GOOD. She is a failure. No new products, No happy sales reps. Where where all the Regional Managers? Did she keep all of them home to save money?
there is no saving this company. Look at history. There has not been a successful president in the last 3. She will fail. She can’t control colson, distributors, or what products make it out the door and how fast. She literally took a death sentence of a job destined to fail. She will collect her 250k and bring in some shitty Stryker fags and then get canned. At the end of the day, there will be no new products, some realigned territories and a handful of new distributors and direct reps. Same results though
Why is the Queen in such a panic mode?
Is it that she has no loyalty?
May sales SUCK...she thinks she can put a 15 day apple promo to boost sales?
Her first Exec Team hire GONE?
Never replaced HR Director?
How many more good people are gone?
Things are going from bad to worse?
Watching out for the breath of the dragon which awaits her downfall?
Is this the last month for the Queen if she does not make her number???
Missed last month. Full Panic???
Lost the faith of her executive team, has lost her agents, Hockey Jock Cheerleader looking for a job too???
When will agents go to Colson and revolt???