Hey OFIX,are you are missing the rally?

Bad earning won't cause the company to go under and stims won't be in walgreens any time soon. It's still a class3 device and until it's declassified it will be paid for by medicare. $3,400 baby......

Less than surgery and under utilized. Best in class vs the gel head stim and the DJ Ortho piece of junk.

Less than surgery and under utilized. Best in class vs the gel head stim and the DJ Ortho piece of junk.

Totally best in class but the company is shit because management going all the way to Italy doesn't know or support their people, and the US management are just dumb criminals. They don't get sell it because it's the best, they get 'buy it because we're paying you or you're profiting from it'. Just lazy and stupid strategy. There's no way they dig it out of this hole because they lack integrity and backbone. Bloody shame for me because I really believed in it at one time, now not so much. When they brought in the Boston Scientific team in, they threw it, and the real brains in the company under the bus.

A lot of new management hires, if the brass listens they can grow, but not quickly nor exponentially.

When you have fallen so disastrously far, it's an incredible opportunity to look like a hero by moving the needle forward. Time will tell whether this batch of individuals are hero's or just more zero's. I would be concerned with JS as the VP of Sales Stimulation. He was a bust as a regional manager, now he's running sales. A poindexter who is more concerned with reports then being creative and being a shaker and a mover. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

The stock is up 20% since October and keeps nudging up. Not bad for a normal company.

Back at $20 after losing the 3 month old chairman.
Buy some more on the dip cool aide drinker but keep your stock advice to yourself clown.
This place has idiots running losers in circles. What a joke of a company.
"Chiefs of idiocy ."
Still waiting to see that earnings report. Will it be up 20% then Warren Buffet Jr?

Back at $20 after losing the 3 month old chairman.
Buy some more on the dip cool aide drinker but keep your stock advice to yourself clown.
This place has idiots running losers in circles. What a joke of a company.
"Chiefs of idiocy ."
Still waiting to see that earnings report. Will it be up 20% then Warren Buffet Jr?

I can tell you know a lot about markets. IBM has gone from $215 to $177. GE from $28-$25. Caterpillar $110-$91. Exxon $101-$94. The markets are down across the board. It's called a pull back for those who are dumb. Quote from Warren Buffet: "You are to BUY when others are fearful". Like yrs ago the stock got down to single digits and those who bought in and made a fortune riding it back to $40. The same thing will happen again. While I'm stuffing my pockets with thousand dollar bill buying at discounts. You'll be playing with yourself wishing that Medicare won't pay for stims anymore. Opportunists know how to make money. Losers like you walk around wondering why your so miserable. It will go down and I will buy in again.

Hey genius, go ahead and fill your boots. Ever heard of fundamentals? None evident (or at least not with any veracity) for about 3 years now. Inaccurate (fudged even?) financials and $100MM in fines and everybody knows sales have dropped dramatically. You'll be lining your pockets with $3 bills on this one. Make sure you come on here and cry about that now..

I can tell you know a lot about markets. IBM has gone from $215 to $177. GE from $28-$25. Caterpillar $110-$91. Exxon $101-$94. The markets are down across the board. It's called a pull back for those who are dumb. Quote from Warren Buffet: "You are to BUY when others are fearful". Like yrs ago the stock got down to single digits and those who bought in and made a fortune riding it back to $40. The same thing will happen again. While I'm stuffing my pockets with thousand dollar bill buying at discounts. You'll be playing with yourself wishing that Medicare won't pay for stims anymore. Opportunists know how to make money. Losers like you walk around wondering why your so miserable. It will go down and I will buy in again.

Go down? not likely. More likely it's the same group of holders passing it back and forth to keep the value artificially above $20. If a sucker pops in and buys some every so often they win. When the inevitable investigation happens it will have long ceased trading by then anyway.

Go down? not likely. More likely it's the same group of holders passing it back and forth to keep the value artificially above $20. If a sucker pops in and buys some every so often they win. When the inevitable investigation happens it will have long ceased trading by then anyway.

Companies go through legal issues all the time. It not just Orthofix. J&J got hit with 2.2 BILLION in fines and criminal charges for promoting off label and violating anti-kickbacks. Medtronic Sofamor Danek has paid close to $100 million for consulting agreements that were bogus that dwarfed Orthofix in comparison. JPMorgan paid $1.2 billion along with criminal charges for being involved with Bernie Madoff and took a guilty plea. This is just a snippet of companies involved with criminal wrong doings. All those issues dwarf Orthofix issues by 10 times, maybe 20. Orthofix will eventually get through it's issues. The stock will go down, and the company will be a smaller company then it was before.

Once that happens and the issues are settled, the company will have no where to go but up. Is it a buy and a hold forever???? NO. But what is???? If you bought GE 6 yrs ago, your still under water. Medtronic stock went no where for 12 yrs. Wishing that Orthofix will collapse or close it's doors or that Medicare will no longer cover stim is for those who have an ax to grind. Not to mention they are probably struggling personally, professionally and financially. They suffer from a very serious sickness called stink'n think'n. A terminal illness that threatens one's mental state to accomplish anything positive in life.

I can tell you know a lot about markets. IBM has gone from $215 to $177. GE from $28-$25. Caterpillar $110-$91. Exxon $101-$94. The markets are down across the board. It's called a pull back for those who are dumb. Quote from Warren Buffet: "You are to BUY when others are fearful". Like yrs ago the stock got down to single digits and those who bought in and made a fortune riding it back to $40. The same thing will happen again. While I'm stuffing my pockets with thousand dollar bill buying at discounts. You'll be playing with yourself wishing that Medicare won't pay for stims anymore. Opportunists know how to make money. Losers like you walk around wondering why your so miserable. It will go down and I will buy in again.

This is not a GE or CAT moron. Another quote from Warren is buy management... This place has none. Another one is buy earnings.. This place hasn't reported any in over two quarters and finally Warren said run from dishonesty... What you have to say about that? Thought so.
You are not too bright hu?

Companies go through legal issues all the time. It not just Orthofix. J&J got hit with 2.2 BILLION in fines and criminal charges for promoting off label and violating anti-kickbacks. Medtronic Sofamor Danek has paid close to $100 million for consulting agreements that were bogus that dwarfed Orthofix in comparison. JPMorgan paid $1.2 billion along with criminal charges for being involved with Bernie Madoff and took a guilty plea. This is just a snippet of companies involved with criminal wrong doings. All those issues dwarf Orthofix issues by 10 times, maybe 20. Orthofix will eventually get through it's issues. The stock will go down, and the company will be a smaller company then it was before.

Once that happens and the issues are settled, the company will have no where to go but up. Is it a buy and a hold forever???? NO. But what is???? If you bought GE 6 yrs ago, your still under water. Medtronic stock went no where for 12 yrs. Wishing that Orthofix will collapse or close it's doors or that Medicare will no longer cover stim is for those who have an ax to grind. Not to mention they are probably struggling personally, professionally and financially. They suffer from a very serious sickness called stink'n think'n. A terminal illness that threatens one's mental state to accomplish anything positive in life.

Read it again........Everything eventually washes out. Darkness eventually turns to light. You just too full of misery, hate and stupidity to understand business, financial markets and companies going through wash out periods.

This is not a GE or CAT moron. Another quote from Warren is buy management... This place has none. Another one is buy earnings.. This place hasn't reported any in over two quarters and finally Warren said run from dishonesty... What you have to say about that? Thought so.
You are not too bright hu?

Funny, Buffet owns JPMorgan who just paid a $1.2 million dollar fine for it's affiliation with B Maddoff. Also, Buffet owns Moody's credit agency. The same agency that gave AAA rating to the banks in 2007 before they collapsed. Obviously, you are a novice and a neophyte in what Buffets exposure has been in walking the chalk line. Like most CEO's it's very grey. What do you have to say about that? Thought so. You're not to bright hu?

A. Buffet don't own no OFIX.

B. Name one product this company has now or on the horizon that'll restore the light.


You're words. Buffet buys management and runs from dishonesty. JPMorgan and Moody's???? One pays $1.2 billion in fines for activities involved with Madoff and Moody's who misleads the public with AAA ratings on the banks before they collapse. Orthofix sounds like a company that Buffet would do business with based on his involvement with JP & Moody's. LOL. Markets are not dictated by numbskulls and idiots. Orthofix can go down to $200k in yrly sales and a stock price of $2. If once it bottoms out and goes from $200k in yrly sales to $250k in yrly sales the market will buy it based on those results and you will see the stock rise to $7. That's what markets look at and what drives stock price. It has nothing to do with individuals like yourself who are clueless, miserable, uneducated and who make comments that display your immaturity and lack of knowledge.

Do yourself a favor and put you energy towards something that will build your confidence and maturity. Orthofix stock will go down, it has issues to go through, it will eventually get through them. It's always darkest before dawn. GM/ Chrysler at one time went bust, only to emerge. Same with a dozen banks that eventually went from darkness to light. Hatred, misery and having an Ax to grind don't cause companies to go bust, it's doors to close or Medicare from paying for stim. GM/ Chrysler and dozens of banks went through worse scenario's than Ofix and after 5-6 yrs eventually emerged. B of A went down to $1 and now is in the teens. GM was under water and it's stock below $20 and now it's at $37. Citigroup down to $20 and now at $50. All these companies where in financial turmoil and eventually over time pulled out of it. Their sales and profits both went backwards and profits dried up. And now look at these companies. I think avoiding sounding like an idiot, it's probably best that you stay on Facebook.

You're words. Buffet buys management and runs from dishonesty. JPMorgan and Moody's???? One pays $1.2 billion in fines for activities involved with Madoff and Moody's who misleads the public with AAA ratings on the banks before they collapse. Orthofix sounds like a company that Buffet would do business with based on his involvement with JP & Moody's. LOL. Markets are not dictated by numbskulls and idiots. Orthofix can go down to $200k in yrly sales and a stock price of $2. If once it bottoms out and goes from $200k in yrly sales to $250k in yrly sales the market will buy it based on those results and you will see the stock rise to $7. That's what markets look at and what drives stock price. It has nothing to do with individuals like yourself who are clueless, miserable, uneducated and who make comments that display your immaturity and lack of knowledge.

Do yourself a favor and put you energy towards something that will build your confidence and maturity. Orthofix stock will go down, it has issues to go through, it will eventually get through them. It's always darkest before dawn. GM/ Chrysler at one time went bust, only to emerge. Same with a dozen banks that eventually went from darkness to light. Hatred, misery and having an Ax to grind don't cause companies to go bust, it's doors to close or Medicare from paying for stim. GM/ Chrysler and dozens of banks went through worse scenario's than Ofix and after 5-6 yrs eventually emerged. B of A went down to $1 and now is in the teens. GM was under water and it's stock below $20 and now it's at $37. Citigroup down to $20 and now at $50. All these companies where in financial turmoil and eventually over time pulled out of it. Their sales and profits both went backwards and profits dried up. And now look at these companies. I think avoiding sounding like an idiot, it's probably best that you stay on Facebook.

I give up... you're right. My apologies Peter Lynch.
Stock is about to go into the teens today... what do you say hitter? Gonna load up before they post their earnings at the eleventh hour to avoid ther delisting on the NASDAQ? I am sure Warren has a market order ready to do so with this gem. Why don't you sell some of that JPMorgan and trade Jamie Dimon for the bankrupt breadstick maker and his merry band of Chiefs... Just sayin'
What a loser with a Wall street journal you are. Sad actually. See you on the breadline with a bunch of worthless OFIX stock certs!

You're words. Buffet buys management and runs from dishonesty. JPMorgan and Moody's???? One pays $1.2 billion in fines for activities involved with Madoff and Moody's who misleads the public with AAA ratings on the banks before they collapse. Orthofix sounds like a company that Buffet would do business with based on his involvement with JP & Moody's. LOL. Markets are not dictated by numbskulls and idiots. Orthofix can go down to $200k in yrly sales and a stock price of $2. If once it bottoms out and goes from $200k in yrly sales to $250k in yrly sales the market will buy it based on those results and you will see the stock rise to $7. That's what markets look at and what drives stock price. It has nothing to do with individuals like yourself who are clueless, miserable, uneducated and who make comments that display your immaturity and lack of knowledge.

Do yourself a favor and put you energy towards something that will build your confidence and maturity. Orthofix stock will go down, it has issues to go through, it will eventually get through them. It's always darkest before dawn. GM/ Chrysler at one time went bust, only to emerge. Same with a dozen banks that eventually went from darkness to light. Hatred, misery and having an Ax to grind don't cause companies to go bust, it's doors to close or Medicare from paying for stim. GM/ Chrysler and dozens of banks went through worse scenario's than Ofix and after 5-6 yrs eventually emerged. B of A went down to $1 and now is in the teens. GM was under water and it's stock below $20 and now it's at $37. Citigroup down to $20 and now at $50. All these companies where in financial turmoil and eventually over time pulled out of it. Their sales and profits both went backwards and profits dried up. And now look at these companies. I think avoiding sounding like an idiot, it's probably best that you stay on Facebook.

Isnt GM or too big to fail idiot. Too corrupt and too small to care:)