Hey Neurosience, got turnover?


What is going on over there? I am a rep in derm and have no motivation to switch divisions but what's the deal with all the open positions? Is it really that bad?

Couple of things:

Lack of transparent and accurate sales data, which affects Bonus.

Nepotism when hiring managers. In the Northeast the manager for the Neuro Rehab team has no business being a manager and should never have been put in position to interview. It was obvious as she has never in all of her years at Allergan demonstrated any skill sets to show she can effectively work with people let alone manage. Yet she was still put in a management position and 4 out of her 9 reps have left in 3 months. This was a top performing team as well.

An arrogant micro managing VP of sales who is detached from reality.

Arrogance at all levels. The HSM and BPS teams are hyped up as the "elite" of this division but in reality they are glorified sales rep jobs let by arrogant "my way or the highway managers." Each Hospital rep only has about 5 to 6 accounts with little access yet they a ton of field rides and insane expectations. The team should be dissolved and the accounts given the office reps.

We used to have a reimbursement team, which was a great service to accounts but during endurance they got rid of it and made it more of a practice management team even though very few of us reps saw value in that. It was obvious they should of kept the reimbursement team and gotten rid of the practice management team but because the leaders in this division like the woman who ran the practice management team so they decided to keep her and do things her way. The problem is she has little to no experience in reimbursement but the bulk of her team are holdovers from the old reimbursement team and from what my BPS tells me it's a terrible job and they're miserable because they cannot offer the support the customers and sales team want. They are forced to do doctor observation days and BS presentations that nobody has time for instead of assisting accounts with the day to day reimbursement needs. And if any of them speak up they get a target put on their back. It's starting to piss me and my accounts off and the worst part is I used to have a solid RBM now I'm stuck with someone with no reimbursement experience who is a nice person but not that good at all, just full of crap.

Basically nobody in leadership listens or cares. It's all a game for them to advance there own agenda's, careers, and promote their friends, while none of them take any accountability for the what's going on. The VP of sales and the NE RD should be put on a PIP for hiring the NE Neuro Rehab manager. But we all know nothing is going to change so why fight it. So you have a sales team that is looking for other opportunities, managers who are disengaged, and a support team that is frustrated and confused. And they wonder why people are leaving?!

If Botox was not such a good product, the turnover who be double what we have now. People are leaving to go to companies that do not have an approved drug yet and for less money, that's how poorly Neuroscience has been run. But no-one is going to anything about it because the "leaders" are so arrogant and self-serving that nothing will change.

Does that sum it up for you?

Couple of things:

Lack of transparent and accurate sales data, which affects Bonus.

Nepotism when hiring managers. In the Northeast the manager for the Neuro Rehab team has no business being a manager and should never have been put in position to interview. It was obvious as she has never in all of her years at Allergan demonstrated any skill sets to show she can effectively work with people let alone manage. Yet she was still put in a management position and 4 out of her 9 reps have left in 3 months. This was a top performing team as well.

An arrogant micro managing VP of sales who is detached from reality.

Arrogance at all levels. The HSM and BPS teams are hyped up as the "elite" of this division but in reality they are glorified sales rep jobs let by arrogant "my way or the highway managers." Each Hospital rep only has about 5 to 6 accounts with little access yet they a ton of field rides and insane expectations. The team should be dissolved and the accounts given the office reps.

We used to have a reimbursement team, which was a great service to accounts but during endurance they got rid of it and made it more of a practice management team even though very few of us reps saw value in that. It was obvious they should of kept the reimbursement team and gotten rid of the practice management team but because the leaders in this division like the woman who ran the practice management team so they decided to keep her and do things her way. The problem is she has little to no experience in reimbursement but the bulk of her team are holdovers from the old reimbursement team and from what my BPS tells me it's a terrible job and they're miserable because they cannot offer the support the customers and sales team want. They are forced to do doctor observation days and BS presentations that nobody has time for instead of assisting accounts with the day to day reimbursement needs. And if any of them speak up they get a target put on their back. It's starting to piss me and my accounts off and the worst part is I used to have a solid RBM now I'm stuck with someone with no reimbursement experience who is a nice person but not that good at all, just full of crap.

Basically nobody in leadership listens or cares. It's all a game for them to advance there own agenda's, careers, and promote their friends, while none of them take any accountability for the what's going on. The VP of sales and the NE RD should be put on a PIP for hiring the NE Neuro Rehab manager. But we all know nothing is going to change so why fight it. So you have a sales team that is looking for other opportunities, managers who are disengaged, and a support team that is frustrated and confused. And they wonder why people are leaving?!

If Botox was not such a good product, the turnover who be double what we have now. People are leaving to go to companies that do not have an approved drug yet and for less money, that's how poorly Neuroscience has been run. But no-one is going to anything about it because the "leaders" are so arrogant and self-serving that nothing will change.

Does that sum it up for you?

About sums it up just right

Couple of things:

Lack of transparent and accurate sales data, which affects Bonus.

Nepotism when hiring managers. In the Northeast the manager for the Neuro Rehab team has no business being a manager and should never have been put in position to interview. It was obvious as she has never in all of her years at Allergan demonstrated any skill sets to show she can effectively work with people let alone manage. Yet she was still put in a management position and 4 out of her 9 reps have left in 3 months. This was a top performing team as well.

An arrogant micro managing VP of sales who is detached from reality.

Arrogance at all levels. The HSM and BPS teams are hyped up as the "elite" of this division but in reality they are glorified sales rep jobs let by arrogant "my way or the highway managers." Each Hospital rep only has about 5 to 6 accounts with little access yet they a ton of field rides and insane expectations. The team should be dissolved and the accounts given the office reps.

We used to have a reimbursement team, which was a great service to accounts but during endurance they got rid of it and made it more of a practice management team even though very few of us reps saw value in that. It was obvious they should of kept the reimbursement team and gotten rid of the practice management team but because the leaders in this division like the woman who ran the practice management team so they decided to keep her and do things her way. The problem is she has little to no experience in reimbursement but the bulk of her team are holdovers from the old reimbursement team and from what my BPS tells me it's a terrible job and they're miserable because they cannot offer the support the customers and sales team want. They are forced to do doctor observation days and BS presentations that nobody has time for instead of assisting accounts with the day to day reimbursement needs. And if any of them speak up they get a target put on their back. It's starting to piss me and my accounts off and the worst part is I used to have a solid RBM now I'm stuck with someone with no reimbursement experience who is a nice person but not that good at all, just full of crap.

Basically nobody in leadership listens or cares. It's all a game for them to advance there own agenda's, careers, and promote their friends, while none of them take any accountability for the what's going on. The VP of sales and the NE RD should be put on a PIP for hiring the NE Neuro Rehab manager. But we all know nothing is going to change so why fight it. So you have a sales team that is looking for other opportunities, managers who are disengaged, and a support team that is frustrated and confused. And they wonder why people are leaving?!

If Botox was not such a good product, the turnover who be double what we have now. People are leaving to go to companies that do not have an approved drug yet and for less money, that's how poorly Neuroscience has been run. But no-one is going to anything about it because the "leaders" are so arrogant and self-serving that nothing will change.

Does that sum it up for you?

If you have legitimate concerns then you need to go into device. This is big pharma (whoops, I mean Growth Pharma)

Thank you for your response. I understand your frustration and you bring up some good points some of which are very specific to you in the NE. I on the other hand am in the Midwest and see things differently than you. I agree about some managers and reps being disengaged. HSM jobs are a joke and are labeled as MANAGERS with is total bullshit because they manage nothing.
Leadership is the strongest it has been in years but they are inherenting so many issues. I hope exit interviews are truthful. It's worst I have seen it in years.

5 Reps in 3 months left.. Wow MS officially wins the worst manager award! Time to replace her with a more competent manager.

Hey crazy unstable rep..you love posting on cafepharma because you hide anonymously. You should try working or maybe try finding a good therapist. You are a crazy bitch and it kills you that you have to work for a woman. You poor thing, none of us feel sorry for you.

What is going on over there? I am a rep in derm and have no motivation to switch divisions but what's the deal with all the open positions? Is it really that bad?

It isn't that bad, but we all have a different perspective.

No one has mentioned it, but there are a lot of new positions out there right now & there are several companies looking for the experience NS reps have.

It isn't that bad, but we all have a different perspective.

No one has mentioned it, but there are a lot of new positions out there right now & there are several companies looking for the experience NS reps have.

I think the point was no one ever looked when you worked for Allergan and now everyone has their resume ready. More people are still going to leave, the culture that is being promoted by middle management is not good anymore.

And have you seen the quotas? If I am really making the company 5+ million $ in my territory I am grossly underpaid

To many uncertainties for not enough $

I think the point was no one ever looked when you worked for Allergan and now everyone has their resume ready. More people are still going to leave, the culture that is being promoted by middle management is not good anymore.

And have you seen the quotas? If I am really making the company 5+ million $ in my territory I am grossly underpaid

To many uncertainties for not enough $

Very accurate post. Do they realize it? We had had more reps leave in Neuro than ever in the history of Allergan. Are exit interviews being listened to? Are exiting reps telling the truth? Will anything be done?

I think the point was no one ever looked when you worked for Allergan and now everyone has their resume ready. More people are still going to leave, the culture that is being promoted by middle management is not good anymore.

And have you seen the quotas? If I am really making the company 5+ million $ in my territory I am grossly underpaid

To many uncertainties for not enough $

The culture is definitely a problem. From middle management all the way up. It's obvious in all divisions that middle management is getting micro managed by the powers that be. It's also obvious if you're not friends with someone at a director level or higher your chances for career advancement are slim to none, so why stay.

Neurosciences was always a stable place. People only left for better opportunities. Now people are just leaving for lateral moves just to get away from the management and culture that has been created in Irvine.

People are going to continue to leave.

There are some really solid people that are looking but are not going to settle.

Thats what Neuro leadership needs to look at. Why are people leaving for not much more money, unapproved drugs, and tougher selling markets?

Irvine and PA Jeff need to swallow their pride a bit and take any feedback from exit interviews seriously because all 3 teams, HSM, NSS, and BPS, have a fair amount of disengaged folks who are looking.

How much of the culture change do you all think is because of the buy out?

I think Allergan Neuro leadership was so arrogant about themselves that they're shocked by what's going on and do not know how to handle it, now they're panicking a bit. Apparently they're having meetings about trying to retain people.

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