Hey Felix. No one knew who the F you were


but now we know you’re a just a crap name like many behind a shit show.

You as many others accepted a high priced role to be a donkey.

And now we a brigade that is the face to the Novartis customer allow a no name shit bag like you to take a symbolic fall to allow life to go on. life go on please. HAHAHAHA

Hey Vas, how does the Veuve Clicquot taste on Trumps yacht?

Because your a bitch ass fraud like Jimenez was prior.

But you need to save face.

Red Herring Vas. Can you even relate to that statement?

I bet not.


Let me guess; Ehrat got a huge bonus for his excellent work 2017 (far more than a million) that we don`t want to have back and we also don´t sue him for all the damage he did to the image of Novartis (same for J.J.). Most likely he in addition receives a golden parachute to sweeten his decision to retire early and serve a scapegoat. The “greatest respect” expressed by Vas in the name of the ECN and the Board of Directors for this decision suggests that neither the two committees nor Vas or Jörg got the message and are willing to seriously held bad managers responsible. Resignation by this one person was only a first overdue step, a "conditio sine qua non", but much more has to follow.

Let me guess; Ehrat got a huge bonus for his excellent work 2017 (far more than a million) that we don`t want to have back and we also don´t sue him for all the damage he did to the image of Novartis (same for J.J.). Most likely he in addition receives a golden parachute to sweeten his decision to retire early and serve a scapegoat. The “greatest respect” expressed by Vas in the name of the ECN and the Board of Directors for this decision suggests that neither the two committees nor Vas or Jörg got the message and are willing to seriously held bad managers responsible. Resignation by this one person was only a first overdue step, a "conditio sine qua non", but much more has to follow.

Apparently, as the company has put it, Ehrat's resignation settles the debate once and for all!
No further actions planned.

Apparently, as the company has put it, Ehrat's resignation settles the debate once and for all!
No further actions planned.

Except that now we’ll have to take double the courses on compliance and increased ride alongs with compliance emphasis. We had nothing to do with the bribing; but now, we have to pay for it.

His salary was posted in the 2014 company year end disclosure as $800000 plus bonus, he was most likely making $1 million a year today. He is 61 years old and probably begged them to be the scapegoat. Who does Vas this 41 year old ass hole think he is fooling ?

His salary was posted in the 2014 company year end disclosure as $800000 plus bonus, he was most likely making $1 million a year today. He is 61 years old and probably begged them to be the scapegoat. Who does Vas this 41 year old ass hole think he is fooling ?

Ehrat`s time was over long before; his position, responsibility and salary was needed by Vas to reward his new toy Klinger; another Mr. Reinhardt sanctioned promotion of a poor manager to the ECN (a translation error in her CV – Dr. iur. / promoviert without a “Dissertation” - haha).

Ehrat`s time was over long before; his position, responsibility and salary was needed by Vas to reward his new toy Klinger; another Mr. Reinhardt sanctioned promotion of a poor manager to the ECN (a translation error in her CV – Dr. iur. / promoviert without a “Dissertation” - haha).

Our Chief Ethics Officer mis-representing her academic credentials...Never! Someone's assistant fucked up.

$100 to the person who can prove her senior thesis at ND and rigorous writing experience at UNC were plagiarized ;-)

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