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Hey Brad!


You’re a lying Motherfucker. How could you let so many good reps and the best manager at B+L go. Already killing the culture? Confidence in you went from 100 to zero with the reps you loser. I hope they all get jobs and eyecare and take out their revenge on you. Fucking loser. Please post if you agree. Let’s show Brad how bad he fucked up bir he’ll probably blame it on the consulting company. Grow some hair bitch.


Unfortunately he doesn’t realize that this will come back to bite him with the customers. He may blame it on someone else or a third party but ultimately they’ll treat him like Allergan did. Good by you bald swearing idiot.

I was lucky to be retained (need the paycheck) but they fucked me royally with the shift in my geography. I lost several good targets to another rep. Not their fault, but it makes no sense. Top targets are 10-30 mins from where I live and over an hour from where the new rep lives. I’ve been through situations like this far too many times. The company changes the territory lines, sells the product, realigns or whatever they think will boost numbers and then 6 months later they realize the changes the consultants made were stupid and things shift again. Par for the course I guess, but these leaders will never learn.

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