hernia division

Don't buy into this bull. Whoever started that crap is telling lies. Go figure!

If anyone does not know that Polyester is the best option especially regarding tissue integration tells lies to help sell their inferior product line.

Polyster is good for one thing and one thing only...a nice smoking jacket...which you must be wearing becasue if you really think parietex is good, you must be smoking something. Your products have no market share-keep selling inguinal while we mop up the market with big boy products. Your tacker stinks-securestrap baby! we shall innovate and take over!! Wait until physio with ring comes out for open!!

Don't buy into this bull. Whoever started that crap is telling lies. Go figure!

If anyone does not know that Polyester is the best option especially regarding tissue integration tells lies to help sell their inferior product line.

Don't buy it is correct-but how do I handle the objection when they reference this misinfo? I've had it come up twice and don't want to lose the biz-

Don't buy it is correct-but how do I handle the objection when they reference this misinfo? I've had it come up twice and don't want to lose the biz-

It's one study doc based out of India apparently. I can show you multiple human studies here in the US that prove otherwise. I have competitive studies that show we have low adhesion rates.

They are throwing whatever they can at the wall to see what sticks doc, because this product, Parietex, is a good one.

Done, move on. You need to build trust, relationship with your doctors to help put this crap to bed as well.

Why all the Parietex bashing? Why would you need to sell against a product that it not even close in market share? You must have a crap product and your worried.....you should be.

parietex is dangerous stuff-studies show that it causes a molecular breakdown of the omentum and then decreases the node response of the peritoneum. This causes a negative reaction to the ingrowth and in return you have massive adhesions to the polyester. it is that reason many of my docs wont use it. study was from west indies but multi center, retrospective-

I am a Bard rep and am no fan of Parietex. I have searched Pubmed and Google Scholar looking for this study and I can't find it. I would love more dirt on this product. Can someone post the author or a link?

I'm skeptical that it really exists. Numerous studies have shown Parietex performs pretty well on adhesions, and ingrowth.

I am a Bard rep and am no fan of Parietex. I have searched Pubmed and Google Scholar looking for this study and I can't find it. I would love more dirt on this product. Can someone post the author or a link?

I'm skeptical that it really exists. Numerous studies have shown Parietex performs pretty well on adhesions, and ingrowth.

You are right. Parietex is flawless and no dirt exists, hence the lack of anything else but BS in this thread regarding the product. If there was viable evidence, I'm sure it would have made it's way around the horn long ago.

You know how the expression goes: when you can't beat them, slander them instead.

Good luck to everyone with the prefabrication of "evidence"....

Let's be real

Polyester was a hit in the 70's. Was linked to infection and degradation over time.

Then woven polypropylene came in the 80's. Anyone that is using polyester again probably wasn't digging the PP shrinking to half the size.

Your both gonna be dead in the water soon. Good luck with crapola! How many people are you hurting with that stuff?!?

Looking to break into the Medical world and have gotten a call from BG Medical......I've been reading all the blogs but they are dated in 09. Trying to get a feel for who the market leaders are and who I should avoid if given a chance. Any advice is appreciated!

I interviewed with this company for the hernia division..I must say one of the most unprofessional interviews I have ever had. Also, is there a sense of urgency around anything there...Long wait time from initial discussion to interview, etc.