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Here Comes The "BIG" News for US Employees


Biggest cuts we have seen as a company beginning today with R&D. You have all been warned and waved it off as rumors and gossip. Now you will see a change like no other......

I get the impression our new EVP and CEO don't care for Wilmington all that much...
Diabetes- Moved, important to the future
R&D- Moving, vital to the future
Some Ops- Moving to support functions..

What's going to be left in Wilmington? Brand teams, Training, Sales Leadership, Managed Markets, Consultants?? What else??

I get the impression our new EVP and CEO don't care for Wilmington all that much...
Diabetes- Moved, important to the future
R&D- Moving, vital to the future
Some Ops- Moving to support functions..

What's going to be left in Wilmington? Brand teams, Training, Sales Leadership, Managed Markets, Consultants?? What else??

All depts in sales/marketing will be slahed andconsolidated. The fate of Wilmington will be announced on Thursday.

Pascal must have seen some red flags with the culture in London and Wilmington. Re-inventing culture is very hard... He is trying to get out of Wilmington and London...

Never really thought of it that way, but you may have a point there.

The directors brought him in knowing the company was in trouble and expecting him to make big changes to reset direction. The only thing that would be surprising is if he doesn't go far enough.

Don't consider these "big" changes at all. It's expected to save $1.4b by 2016. That's about 3 months of Nexium sales. If this is the BIG announcement, I consider it a BIG YAWN!

Don't consider these "big" changes at all. It's expected to save $1.4b by 2016. That's about 3 months of Nexium sales. If this is the BIG announcement, I consider it a BIG YAWN!

Oh, you mean the same Nexium that goes generic next year??? This is small news compared to what Soriot is planning to announce this Thursday. Come back here Thursday and post your pie in the sky denial.

Everyone relax.....If you are part of the onc, cardio-metabolic, and resp. areas it should be not as bad. What wasn't mentioned was managed markets and CNS. Oh, they did say CNS but didn't they use words like... strategic? Death nail.

3% of the total workforce effected is no big deal UNLESS you are one of the 3%. This really is a big yawn. Thursday will come and go with no huge announcement. I agree that Pascal really doesn't know what to do to make up for the loss of Nexium, Symbicort, XR and Crestor. He will announce some "bolt on acquisition that will also end up a failure just the rest have been failures. He is at a loss. Where did we find this French loser??

Why should Pascal rock the boat? He's raking in 10 million bucks a year! Most of us could retire -- QUITE WELL -- if they only took in what he takes in for a single year.

It is the AZ shareholders who will get screwed. They will stampede for the exit door one day. Pascal will keep on taking his fat paycheck until they stop signing it. No less, no more.

Watch out for big cuts to sales and an announcement this Thursday. We'll see how "transparent" Hudson can be.

Not going to happen, at least not yet. Diabetes is untouchable. Brilinta reps for awhile too, until they realize that this dog won't hunt. Layoffs will be over the next 3 years, not Thursday.

Brilinta launch failure should fall on the marketing team and MT, who failed to take advice from the field, and handed over control to LS and her shills.

It was a direction that went completely down the wrong track. You couldn't screw up that many things without conviction.

Nothing new is being announced Thursday. Thursday is the investors conference where they tell the investors the details they told everyone else on Monday.

That doesn’t make any sense - especially since it was announced at 9:05AM to the general public via news communications. I guess our investors don’t have access to the internet or any of the other 1000 Media Sources who reported this news?

That doesn’t make any sense - especially since it was announced at 9:05AM to the general public via news communications. I guess our investors don’t have access to the internet or any of the other 1000 Media Sources who reported this news?
Here is some of the ugly things coming: 80% of Managed Markets slashed with many current responsibilities rolled into the CBDs, and 70% of CNS can say bye bye phased in over 12 months. They will try to sell this as phasing in by normal attrition but what it means is forced retirements, voluntary separation, and then deep cuts.

Here is some of the ugly things coming: 80% of Managed Markets slashed with many current responsibilities rolled into the CBDs, and 70% of CNS can say bye bye phased in over 12 months. They will try to sell this as phasing in by normal attrition but what it means is forced retirements, voluntary separation, and then deep cuts.
They should bring all of the RADs into one room and review their career history. Every one of these losers has been demoted at some point and hidden away in the closet known as managed markets. Most retail outlets wouldn't hire them to manage a kiosk at the mall and AZ is paying them six figure incomes plus all of the money they can steal on their expenses. Truly scandalous.