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Here Comes The "BIG" News for US Employees

Here is some of the ugly things coming: 80% of Managed Markets slashed with many current responsibilities rolled into the CBDs, and 70% of CNS can say bye bye phased in over 12 months. They will try to sell this as phasing in by normal attrition but what it means is forced retirements, voluntary separation, and then deep cuts.

Yeah right have CBDs call on managed markets accounts. Most cannot even make a sales call or formulate a coherent strategic sentence let alone try to engage in conversation about value and contracting. Sure let Larry and Fran and Keith and Gina and Pam and Fred and Shawn and Chris and Jemal do it. Let us know how that works out for you all.

Yeah right have CBDs call on managed markets accounts. Most cannot even make a sales call or formulate a coherent strategic sentence let alone try to engage in conversation about value and contracting. Sure let Larry and Fran and Keith and Gina and Pam and Fred and Shawn and Chris and Jemal do it. Let us know how that works out for you all.
Have you met our RADs? Talk about not being able to make a sales presentation or formualte a coherent sentence. At least the CBDs are on the succession ladder instead of yesterday's garbage discharged from prior leadership positions like the majority of RADs.
Seriously, all we ever see them do at our meetings is puke out a few minutes update of mostly made up shit and then eat our food and make dinner reservations before traveling home early before the meeting is half over. We can get rid of them all and not miss one dollar of return on investment.

Have you met our RADs? Talk about not being able to make a sales presentation or formualte a coherent sentence. At least the CBDs are on the succession ladder instead of yesterday's garbage discharged from prior leadership positions like the majority of RADs.
Seriously, all we ever see them do at our meetings is puke out a few minutes update of mostly made up shit and then eat our food and make dinner reservations before traveling home early before the meeting is half over. We can get rid of them all and not miss one dollar of return on investment.
Exactly. I would rather have Larry, Keith, Shawn, Fran.... or any one of the CBDs than our current RAD. She turns my stomach so I can only imagine the negative impact she has on her customers. Every one of the CBDs is better than the best RAD that I have met at meetings.

Dear Lord,
Please let tomorrow bring change to this place! I don't know if I can do one more call. Let there be an announcement that anyone wanting to self id can get out! I know this is asking alot Lord but we need a way out of here and need it now!

Exactly. I would rather have Larry, Keith, Shawn, Fran.... or any one of the CBDs than our current RAD. She turns my stomach so I can only imagine the negative impact she has on her customers. Every one of the CBDs is better than the best RAD that I have met at meetings.
Ours comes to our meetings and eats all of our muffins. I never see her do anything except eat and her nauseating sweety sweet sucking up.

Dear Lord,
Please let tomorrow bring change to this place! I don't know if I can do one more call. Let there be an announcement that anyone wanting to self id can get out! I know this is asking alot Lord but we need a way out of here and need it now!

Pascal is too weak to make the hard decisions he needs to make. Tomorrow will be uneventful at worst. The stupid decision to build a $300M facility when we have a perfectly good one at AP shows how much of an idiot he is. We have a fool running AZ!

Pascal is too weak to make the hard decisions he needs to make. Tomorrow will be uneventful at worst. The stupid decision to build a $300M facility when we have a perfectly good one at AP shows how much of an idiot he is. We have a fool running AZ!

Read this article from a Delaware newspaper!


Future of campus buildings in question

Firm says three coming down; state eyes space

By Cori Anne Natoli

The News Journal

The door may be ajar for a lease of three AstraZeneca laboratory buildings along Concord Pike before the firm exe*cutes a plans to demolish them next year.

But that door appears to be only very narrowly open – and potentially expen*sive to move through.

The firm says it still plans to raze three structures on the north campus containing 450,000 square feet of lab space, as the company announced it would in 2011.

But Alan B. Levin, Delaware’s eco*nomic development director, said Tues*day that AstraZeneca officials told state officials Sunday they would consider renting the space should the state pro*duce an interested and qualified party.

The lease notion appears to be a long*shot, but even a slight chance to save the laboratories represents a change in posture for AstraZeneca in the eyes of


Buildings: Age a large concern
Continued from Page A1

state officials.

In 2011, the pharma*ceutical firm that on Mon*day announced that 1,200 jobs would be moved out of Delaware or eliminated said security concerns would prevent any re-use of the aging lab space by a third party. “We did bring it up [Monday] and they were inclined to demolish it. However they did tell us if there was a desire by someone to lease it, they would be willing to talk,” Levin said Tuesday. “The fact that they are willing to discuss it shows a new position.” Tony Jewell, an Astra-Zeneca spokesperson, did not dispute Levin’s re*counting of a Sunday briefing on the job reduc*tions, but did not share Levin’s conclusion. “Our plans for the R&D facility have not changed,” Jewell said Tuesday. As things stand now, the sprawling campus off U.S. 202 – the firm’s head*quarters for the Americas – will diminish in size as the company refocuses its priorities and implements cost-cutting workforce reductions in the face of rapidly declining sales.

AstraZeneca an*nounced Monday it was was cutting or relocating 1,200 jobs in the Wilming*ton area in the next two years to consolidate its re*search and development into three global centers: at MedImmune, its biolog*ic arm in Maryland, and in England and Sweden.

The Anglo-Swedish pharma also plans to sell two of its buildings on the south side of Powder Mill Road. A 209,000-square*foot tower fronting on Concord Pike – the old Rollins Building – already has been listed for sale.

AstraZeneca has been shrinking its global work*force for several years. In Delaware, the contraction included research and de*velopment teams that had occupied the three lab buildings.

The structures to be razed are much older than the rest of the campus, which was built following the merger of Astra and Zeneca in 1998 and its 1999 decision to consolidate U.S. headquarters opera*tions in Delaware aided by $130 million in state incen*tives.

Built in 1958, the lab fa*cilities are considered by some to be antiquated and by others to still be wor*thy of repurposing.

Significant expansions were made in 1965 and 1979 and “somewhat” smaller expansions fol*lowed in 1987 and 1989, ac*cording to Jewell. “A small annex was built off of an older building in 2004,” Jewell said, “and an even smaller addition was added in 2005.” State officials say they have been advised by As*traZeneca that the build*ings would need consider*able renovation and up*grading of mechanical systems that could cost millions. “I think the problems are more in that the sys*tems – HVAC and plumb*ing – are outdated and need to be replaced,” Lev*in said. “Retrofitting to to*day’s standards is tough, and usually it costs more to retrofit a building like that than it does to build new.” The Brandywine School District expressed interest in some of the lab space in 2011, Levin said. Interest has also been ech*oed by the biotech com*munity, which has said a lack of good lab space for young companies makes Delaware less appealing and competitive with neighboring states in the life science arena.

J. Michael “Mike” Bowman, president of Delaware Technology Park in Newark, has toured the lab and has en*couraged the state to ex*plore the AstraZeneca space as an option.

“It seems like repur*posing what we presumed to be perfectly good lab*oratory space in which the state’s environment lacks, is just an option that should be explored,” Bow*man said. “It’s just as sim*ple as that. We don’t have it and it’s there. ... I wouldn’t say every square foot of it is repurposeful, but a whole lot of it is and they have a lot of things in there that a lot of wan*nabes would like to have.”

Contact Cori Anne Natoli at 324-2855 or on Twitter @CoriAnneNatoli or cnatoli@delawareonline.com.

AS is in a death spiraling layoffs will continue. Billions in patents are expiring as we speak and through 2016. Pascal has no choice but to slice and dice the organization as nothing will replace the Nexium and Crestor revenues.

Just pulled my head out of the sand, Wow,guess you called it..Of course I'm not concerned, I have great numbers, dm likes me, seniority, good reviews, etc., it's all those other slackers that really should worry..Now I'll just stick my head back in the sand.

Letter of recommendation from that friendly doctor, good idea to have but sad state of affairs when majority of our docs are just drive by targets.... really sad state when you go by their office and the admin. assistant has one saved already (from other dozen or so layoff requests) and you just stand there and give'em your name and address to insert and have printed out in 4 minutes.

Pascal is too weak to make the hard decisions he needs to make. Tomorrow will be uneventful at worst. The stupid decision to build a $300M facility when we have a perfectly good one at AP shows how much of an idiot he is. We have a fool running AZ!

Damed if you didn't nail that prediction! The whole damn dog and pony they put on was hilarious! NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING of any significance was announced! Everyone got all worked up for nothing.