Clarity is in the eye of the beholder. You may just not be as understanding of the facts over the past 10 years, so I will leave you to review and educate yourself. The last sentence was sarcasm which you obviously do not understand, due to your blinders being on a bit tight. Wake up, look around at the big picture. Its not just your version of logic centered around one mans opinion or editorials. The CRM world is larger than your or his opinion or suspicions. Thank him for believing he is doing the right thing. Maybe in his mind, its a public service. In mine, he wants to be the CRM police and I dont think the FDA nor the public need his input. Its like telling every citizen that if you have a permit to carry a concealed handgun, you can play cop. I want the FDA to do their job and make it well known that he does not control them or their actions. That may not be true, but we will scare the hell out of everybody anyway. Facts are facts, to those who choose to acknowledge such. Deal with it. Name calling is worthless and juvenile on CP. Im out.....peace