Hemostasis drugs + OFIRMEV = disaster

Wrong. Purchasing won't be the first stop!! This should be comical to see the degenerates trying to run around the hospital.
It may not be the first but when you get there they are going to laugh in our face. Unless they price this so cheap that they can't refuse it's going to be a huge cluster fuck move by Dipoffi. Mathews is gone so he won't get any of the blame!

Haha but we have the most talented sales force ever assembled. These losers couldn't sell a hamburger to a homeless person.

And who are you? Clearly a loser that got laid off here, disgruntled, harboring ill will on those that work here. Just go away and take your immature, childish comments with you. You're an embarrassment to the industry.

And who are you? Clearly a loser that got laid off here, disgruntled, harboring ill will on those that work here. Just go away and take your immature, childish comments with you. You're an embarrassment to the industry.

do you cry yourself to sleep at night knowing that you're nothing more then a poorly trained monkey that can't even do what you are "trained" to do? Wahhh we have new products to sell that I can't sell because I'm useless :mad::mad::mad:

its not that we can't it's that they suck!

Oh please tell me how do they suck? They suck because you don't know the first thing about OR products? You don't know where the OR is? You're afraid of passing out at the first site of blood? You don't know who to start talking to about the product? Do I call on the Doctor? Purchasing? Material Manager? Tell the security guard? Loserville here at Mallinckrodt

Oh please tell me how do they suck? They suck because you don't know the first thing about OR products? You don't know where the OR is? You're afraid of passing out at the first site of blood? You don't know who to start talking to about the product? Do I call on the Doctor? Purchasing? Material Manager? Tell the security guard? Loserville here at Mallinckrodt

Lol dude, you live on this thread. We could give two shits about what you think. There are no surprises here. No one wants to sell this commodity shit. Keep rationalizing why it was a great move for you to join Mallinckrodt.

Lol dude, you live on this thread. We could give two shits about what you think. There are no surprises here. No one wants to sell this commodity shit. Keep rationalizing why it was a great move for you to join Mallinckrodt.

Truer words have never been spoken. I think that guy has posted on any and every thread related to MNK. He is just an angry no life douche bag!