Hemostasis drugs + OFIRMEV = disaster


If the company hires on any consultants with half a brain for the new drugs, they will realize it cannot be the same sales force. This combination is like oil and vinegar. They simply don't mix. There are too many problems with the entire scenario to list, but why damage the sales of OFIRMEV by adding this terrible distraction? Very bad idea.

If the company hires on any consultants with half a brain for the new drugs, they will realize it cannot be the same sales force. This combination is like oil and vinegar. They simply don't mix. There are too many problems with the entire scenario to list, but why damage the sales of OFIRMEV by adding this terrible distraction? Very bad idea.
Totally agree! Pharmacy will catch on to this very quickly!!! Surgeons could give three shits about topical thrombin! Good luck competing with JnJ!! Terrible aquisition!! Do they even get how long it takes to add a product through materials??? Not many of us even have that experience!! WTF were they thinking!!!??

Totally agree! Pharmacy will catch on to this very quickly!!! Surgeons could give three shits about topical thrombin! Good luck competing with JnJ!! Terrible aquisition!! Do they even get how long it takes to add a product through materials??? Not many of us even have that experience!! WTF were they thinking!!!??

Get it done or get the fuck out. Whining pussies and we don't even have the product yet??? Incredible, what a bunch of losers we have here.

Get it done or get the fuck out. Whining pussies and we don't even have the product yet??? Incredible, what a bunch of losers we have here.

The problem here is the company hired a bunch of semi-successful primary care reps that only know how to get signatures for samples and how to call on the pharmacy. There maybe 1% of the reps that have actually sold to other areas of the hospital And even fewer that have been inside the OR. I can't wait to hear the horror stories of reps passing out at the first sight of blood in the OR, assuming they actually get the hospital to approve it, material Mgmt to order it and a surgeon to want to use it. Oh and don't forget to update you vendor credentialing to reflect the need to go into the OR. As of now you only have access to roam the hallways and eat in the cafeteria only if you sign in first.

Look dudes, I'm going with Panera all the way. There is no way anyone will ever turn me down in the hospital.
Panera is my secret weapon. It's like being a Ninja rep.

Thanks for the tip on Panera. That sounds like such a good kept secret. I can't wait to get going with that Panera. No one is going to say no now. I can't believe my good fortune.
Oh, and I agree with the last poster.
Pussy Rocks!!!

Totally agreed! This will be a total disaster!!

They better smarten up and realize there should be a dedicated sales force to the new agents. This definitely isn't a smart move if they want to keep their OFIRMEV business. This will not improve access call points. Pharmacy will be dictating these drugs regardless what anyone thinks. These will need to go to P&T.

Get it done or get the fuck out. Whining pussies and we don't even have the product yet??? Incredible, what a bunch of losers we have here.

This same troll posts the same shit in every thread in the MNK forum. We heard you, "you're fired or get the fuck out". You are boring yet somewhat amusing. Thanks for the good times.

If the company hires on any consultants with half a brain for the new drugs, they will realize it cannot be the same sales force. This combination is like oil and vinegar. They simply don't mix. There are too many problems with the entire scenario to list, but why damage the sales of OFIRMEV by adding this terrible distraction? Very bad idea.
hey bud, remember you sell tylenol. no distractions, just sell your tylenol.

Go away loser-that-got-fired

Thats all you got is "Go away loser-that-got-fired"? Id say go away whining crying baby but you can't because you have no where to go because nobody will hire a loser like you. So, have fun trying to gain access to your accounts to sell overpriced Tylenol and some shitty overpriced OR products that you'll never get into your facilities. Oh and try not to fuck up if you do finally get into the OR. Nothing makes the OR staff laugh more then watching a shitty Pharma rep pass out at the first sight of blood. Oh and don't worry, the reps that belong in the OR, you know the actual device reps, yes every time you see them they are smiling and laughing, thats because they are laughing at you!!