
sinking fast is right. Lots of turnover in the US office (I heard 4 this month). Management is a joke. Useless sales meetings talking about how good it is to be in the Helsinn World. #losers
No product, no pipeline and eventually no Aloxi

The ship is sinking!!!! More Turnover for Helsinn, no product and no prospects. How much longer can we possibly last before they turn off the lights??? 4 day POA wasted on silly group workshops and Listening to Eisai talk in circles. Leadership is a joke, bunch of clowns

2013 Helsinn started US commercial force claiming it would be separated from the Eisai clown show in 1.5 years
Going on year 3 the Clown Show is still calling the shots, market access is a joke for Akynzeo, NJ sales leadership is clueless
How much longer can the HR violations go unchecked from the NJ office? The Dark haired one runs the show from Williams office and must be calling the shots ..the only one w testosterone there ....
but miss a policy or don't put your phone on mute and Pepe Le Pue goes ballistic
Maybe Le Pue can stroll the beaches w his bearded buddy while they roll up their pant legs looking for clams and patting each other on the back for Approach statements

Eisai isn't going anywhere and if thought that they were, then you are stupid.

If things are so miserable and if you feel you are surrounded by idiots - LEAVE. Go take a job from the so-called recruiters that have been calling you all.

not happy with the leash that is Asseye and are disenchanted w leaderships head up their butts not knowing what is needed sales level and hello it's not positioning statements or excel tables that pivot

Is Lugano really serious about giving HTU something to sell? Back to cruise control with Aloxi LOE win. 50-50 with Eisai? Nope. Give JS some more unearned contest money? YES