Heartgard Plus - Price increases???

Money, get away
Get a good job with more pay and you're O.K.
Money it's a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think I'll buy me a football team
Money get back
I'm all right Jack keep your hands off my stack.
Money it's a hit
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit
I'm in the hi-fidelity first class traveling set
And I think I need a Lear jet
Money it's a crime
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie
Money so they say
Is the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a rise it's no surprise that they're
giving none away



The BIG picture and reality of it is, the Iverhart plus, Triheart, ect products are exactly the SAME product chemically speaking. They also carry the same if not better warranty, product support, rep support, puppy packs, palatability guarantee, ect. The one and ONLY thing that makes HG plus any different is that it is a chew. Ask a vet if they want to spend almost double the price for a "chew"........

The reality is the "other" brands of HW prev are generally about 50% less, and if the vet simply charges pet med pricing, they make 15-20% more profit than they would with HG plus.

Let's see, 1/2 the inventory cost, but 15-20% more profit $, hard decision...... NOT!!

Pull youre heads out MERIAL!! You are a sinking ship...........

How about asking the pet owner? A lot of the clinics that switched to cheaper products are now finding their clients are going to petmed or some other online company because THEY want the chew. Maybe it's not about the vets...maybe its about...DUH...what the CUSTOMER wants.

I like my brand name smokes, pop, beer,pet supplies, food, shoes, clothes and vehicles. So do millions of other people. If we all wanted to be generic, we would all live in trailers, drive Geos, wear Walmart brands, eat SuperValu foods and wear a fake Rolex. Don't see too many people rushing out to sell their Harleys.

Hail to the chew!!!!!!!

How about asking the pet owner? A lot of the clinics that switched to cheaper products are now finding their clients are going to petmed or some other online company because THEY want the chew. Maybe it's not about the vets...maybe its about...DUH...what the CUSTOMER wants.

I like my brand name smokes, pop, beer,pet supplies, food, shoes, clothes and vehicles. So do millions of other people. If we all wanted to be generic, we would all live in trailers, drive Geos, wear Walmart brands, eat SuperValu foods and wear a fake Rolex. Don't see too many people rushing out to sell their Harleys.

Hail to the chew!!!!!!!

You are the kind of idiot who gets out of the shower to pee aren't you.

Max is not a generic product you.
It is a better product becuase it contains Prazi. in addition.

You can get the chew on Pet Med's as well.
Merial is the biggest diverter of all companies.

How about asking the pet owner? A lot of the clinics that switched to cheaper products are now finding their clients are going to petmed or some other online company because THEY want the chew. Maybe it's not about the vets...maybe its about...DUH...what the CUSTOMER wants.

I like my brand name smokes, pop, beer,pet supplies, food, shoes, clothes and vehicles. So do millions of other people. If we all wanted to be generic, we would all live in trailers, drive Geos, wear Walmart brands, eat SuperValu foods and wear a fake Rolex. Don't see too many people rushing out to sell their Harleys.

Hail to the chew!!!!!!!

Ok, Merial rep. Here's the real deal........

Recently, I switched 3, VERY LARGE HG plus accts changed to IH. They have been selling IH for about 3 mos now. Out of all 3 accts, they have only had 2, yes thats 2, HG plus requests, out of about 1,000 IH sales over the last few months.
So no, MOST people are not willing to spend ALOT more money for a stupid chew! Most all of these Vet Hospitals clientele have been appreciative that thier veterinarian is helping them save money, yet completely protecting their pets at the same time.

That is the one and only thing that Merial has to say about HG plus, that its a CHEW !! Big deal. Is paying DOUBLE the price worth it???

Chew? Ha Ha.

With Iverhart Max I can get Ivermectin, pyrantel and praziquantel
With Heartguard I get Ivermectin and pyrantel.

And Iverhart Max is 20% less.

I am only a tech at a huge hospital in Florida not a doctor
No brainer isn't it.

Ok, Merial rep. Here's the real deal........

Recently, I switched 3, VERY LARGE HG plus accts changed to IH. They have been selling IH for about 3 mos now. Out of all 3 accts, they have only had 2, yes thats 2, HG plus requests, out of about 1,000 IH sales over the last few months.
So no, MOST people are not willing to spend ALOT more money for a stupid chew! Most all of these Vet Hospitals clientele have been appreciative that thier veterinarian is helping them save money, yet completely protecting their pets at the same time.

That is the one and only thing that Merial has to say about HG plus, that its a CHEW !! Big deal. Is paying DOUBLE the price worth it???

Learn to lie better jerkoff.
You Switched Heartguart to Iverhart and you work for Merial?

Learn to lie better jerkoff.
You Switched Heartguart to Iverhart and you work for Merial?

No, Jerk-off. Read the post a little better (you must be a Merial rep). It was in RESPONSE to this post:

How about asking the pet owner? A lot of the clinics that switched to cheaper products are now finding their clients are going to petmed or some other online company because THEY want the chew. Maybe it's not about the vets...maybe its about...DUH...what the CUSTOMER wants.

I like my brand name smokes, pop, beer,pet supplies, food, shoes, clothes and vehicles. So do millions of other people. If we all wanted to be generic, we would all live in trailers, drive Geos, wear Walmart brands, eat SuperValu foods and wear a fake Rolex. Don't see too many people rushing out to sell their Harleys.

Hail to the chew!!!!!!!

I am not a Merial rep converting vets to IH, are you an idiot? I sell against Merial, it's to easy, and fun too.........

Twisters can smell ketchup sandwiches and blow down your Merial trailer park.

Heartguard is the name Brand? -- Ha Ha.
Iverhart Max is a generic? --Ha Ha.
Chew is best? -- Ha Ha.

With Iverhart Max I can get Ivermectin, pyrantel and praziquantel
With Heartguard I get Ivermectin and pyrantel.

And Iverhart Max is 20% less.

I am only a tech at a huge hospital in Florida not a doctor
No brainer isn't it.

Doesn't matter. Recession is going to kill Merial and sny dumbass vets selling over the couter porducts in their practices @ 150%+ markup when they could be using "better" prescription products and saving their pharmacy revenues.

Greedy bastards deserve to burn when they are ripping customers off on products like cephelexin which can be bought at walmart for $4. These DVMs rarely dose antibiotics correctly any way and the client is never capable of giving it correctly. They'll listen to any fucktard distributor as if they have some shred of product knowledge.

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