Healthcare Learning

N. Acosta

Healthcare Learning from Other Sectors

General Motors manufacturing research lab has innovative management techniques. General Motors lab leaders have collaborated with the US government and university research institutions that assist with new ideas and knowledge, in exchange for working at a major manufacturing company (, n.d.). This collaboration as well as collaborations with other countries such as China, India and Germany, allows GM to have a broad scope of technical cost modeling as well materials process modeling which helps the company achieve the goal of optimizing returns.

The government is looking more at customer-oriented approaches, one example of

innovation management in government is the single-window concept. The single-window

concept is for international trade; the goal is to simplify and streamline the process of

documentation, shipping and tariff processes (, n.d.)

H&R Block recently implemented a standard SOP which they never had previously despite being in business for decades. The SOP was developed so that clients could go into any office in any city or state and receive the same quality of service. H&R Block has also implemented a variety of options so that consumers can file their taxes in the way that is most convenient for them. Some examples are face to face, drop off, virtual tax pro, a client can also do their taxes themselves and then upload them to have a tax professional check them, this allows the company to be very competitive. H&R Block is also open year-round, their competitors are not this means if a client is audited they can sit down with a tax pro to get assistance.

Best Practices

Being more consumer oriented, making the experience about the patient in this case. Implement strategies to keep the wait times down, such as an automated check in option, that is quick and easy. Once the patient is checked in through the system there could be a packet the client takes with all the questions that they are normally asked. Such as what brings you in today, symptoms, how long etc. Say it is something simple a nurse could handle; the patient could be given the option to see the nurse for a shorter wait time and quicker discharge. The nurse could still consult the doctor if needed so the patient would receive the same level of care simply more streamlined and faster. There could be a follow up email survey after each visit where patients can leave their feedback. Appointment reminders for scheduling could also be sent, so if a baby has a wellness check there could be a text sent out that allows the parent to make the appointment and see the calendar of what is available for the next two weeks. Many companies are making the focus the consumer as that is who drives the business, because people need healthcare it has been slower to adapt.

When a patient is a senior citizen an automatic phone follow-up could be scheduled just to ensure the patient has no questions or concerns. The same for any patient that had a surgery or something that requires follow up. If the patient has many concerns or issues, then either a phone follow-up with a nurse can be made or an appointment. This will help cut down on unnecessary appointments and calls and give the person calling control of the call as they can determine if a follow up call or appointment is needed and get it scheduled and get off the phone. Military facilities have appointment lines, so you do not call the clinic, this would assist in smaller clinics where the receptionists are trying to check in patients and take calls. It is rude to be on the phone when speaking face-to-face with someone or when you have several people waiting. These steps would allow patients to be seen faster, as well as have questions and concerns addressed afterward leading to more satisfied patients.


Innovation Management Across Different Industries. Innovation Management Across Different Industries | Incremental Innovation.

Acosta, N. (2020, August 3). Healthcare Learning from Other Sectors. Healthcare Reform Discussions.

Tax Preparation Services Company: H&R Block®. Tax Preparation Services Company | H&R Block®. Tax Preparation Services Company | H&R Block®.