Health Care Leadership


Being a leader is so much more than just bearing a title. Douglas MacArthur stated, “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent”. This statement is completely true and tells so much about the type of leader one should strive to become.
In my opinion, leadership is defined as when someone steps up to solve a problem or issue while encouraging others. A leader or someone with the hopes of becoming a leader should not dare tear someone down due to lack on their part. A great and effective leader will listen and equip others with the goals needed to succeed from the first sign of distress or discouragement. As a future leader in the health care industry, my life experiences have and are continuing to shape my leadership style. My priority as a leader in the health care industry is to be for the people. Someone others can truly count on while not being afraid to give the hard answers or take full responsibility for my employees. The best leaders to principle and active listeners. This quality leads to effective leadership in any aspect of a company or organization. In my current position, saying no has been the hardest thing to do yet I have learned to say no quite often when necessary. This experience is currently still molding my leadership career with each no given.
