Leadership in Health Care


In my experience, leadership can be described as a practical skill as well as a researchable variety that is all-encompassing of an individual, group, or an organizations organization ability to influence and guide. Leadership to me is basically a social exercise of influence in which someone provides assistance and support to others. The participants ultimately want to achieve and accomplishment the same goals or common tasks. A leader is described differently throughout various cultures. As I have studied leadership, I have learned that it provides theories that are inclusive of traits based on function, values, behaviors, characteristics, vision, power, interactions, influence, and intelligence. A person’s leadership style is their adapted characteristics as to how they motive people and organizations, implement plans, and provide direction. I have noticed that a person’s style of leadership is influenced by experiences, philosophy, and personality (Western, 2019).

What’s Your Leadership Signature by Heidrick and Struggles gives understanding to what leadership is inclusive of as well as the roles and development for leadership. The article discusses how leadership influences businesses and their success. The leadership style and practices are ultimately what drives the success or failure of a task, a business, or an organization. The article reviews and identifies eight leadership styles. The characteristics of the leadership styles are inclusive of archetype, signature, and also uniquely quantitative. The eight archetypes of leadership that are included are collaborator, energizer, pilot, provider, harmonizer, forecaster, producer, and composer. An authentic leader encompasses all of these characteristics. They also have the ability to know which one to utilize as a guide depending on the group, person and or organization that are engaged with at that particular time. An authentic leader knows what is needed and when it is needed to achieve specific task and goals(West, 2015).

My experiences have formulated my thoughts about health care leadership. I live in the Philadelphia, PA area where there are many teaching hospitals. The University of Pennsylvania has set my standards as to what health care should be. The University of Pennsylvania is a tier 3 hospital and health care provider. Their mission is dedicated to advance science and to provide outstanding patient care. When I have encounters with the UOP their care is optimal to the services that I have experienced with other relatives that attend other hospitals with in the area. They are ultimately patient oriented, if there is a service that a patient needs and they don’t provide it they will initiate service to begin providing care to that need. The leader of UOP is engaged with patients and staff to a degree. They offer incentives to patients and staff to encourage positive and revolutionary care to patients. Whenever I think of health care leadership, I always think of the UOP as top tier and influential to my expectations.

An effective exercise to develop the habits of an authentic leader. In order to achieve the habits of an authentic leader the characteristics and traits must first be understood and developed. An authentic leader encompasses self-awareness. The authentic leader knows their own strengths, weakness as well as their limitations. They own and control their emotions and demonstrate characteristics of themselves and the type of person and leader they want to be. The are virtually the same person in public and behind closed doors. Mistakes and weaknesses are hidden but used to grown and develop. The exercise to develop skills as an authentic leader would be inclusive of for the leader to be aware of themselves and know their story and history. The leader would understand their personal values and passions. Knowing what is motivation and gaining insight to extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. This ultimately provides meaning and purpose in life and work of the leader. The exercise of being reflective is beneficial to becoming an authentic leader because a leader must be honest with themselves and reflect on their experiences and knowing ad understanding their personal story as well as those of the population that they will be services and leading because that is important to be relevant and connecting with others. It is important to be in touch with those you encounter and engage with on all basis (Chemers, 1997).


Chemers, M. (1997). An integrative theory of leadership. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,

Publishers. ISBN 978-0-8058-2679-1.

West, Karen R. “Leadership Assessment.” What’s your leadership signature?, 2015.

Western, S. (2019). Leadership: A critical text. London: Sage. ISBN 978-1-5264-5951-0.