Heads up their asses!!!!

Told you it was coming!
It was only a matter of time.

Yes you did. I just had to be patient.

I do not wish to celebrate the misfortune of others, but that individual caused a lot of people a lot of pain over the years and maybe this is a bit of karmic justice. And right after the wedding too...ouch!! Good riddance!!

Yeah, right. That's why he already had a job at Zoetis before he left.

If you haven't noticed, Zoetis has some of the best people and products in the industry.

The last people to leave a dying company like Ceva are always the poorest performers who aren't good enough to work for a Tier I company.

What a joke! Every company we compete with acquires or delivers new stuff. Do we, sure. Here's a new shampoo :rolleyes: Others companies invest, this company has other priorities. We are not among those priorities. Belieb dat!!!!:cool: