Its time we as employees and we as shareholders hold the clowns who hold idiotic meetings accountable. Anyone who has a half of brain knows that flying people from all across the country to LA for a retarded 13 hour meeting is ABSOLUTELY worthless and a TOTAL waste of company money. This is no different then holding 2 national meetings for nearly a week long. Why? Enbrel is 18 years old. Oh but wait it takes 4 days to understand one new message? Give me a break. Shareholders take note, Amgen leadership could care less about our fiscal house. They would rather check a box and send people across the country for some waste of time meeting than be fiscally responsible. They spend money like it grows on trees. If this as their own personal money trust me they wouldnt be spending it like this. These meetings are a joke. They threaten us with "teaming" bullshit so that we have to "fake" that we are getting something out of it. Its all one big lie. Nobody, not even those that suck up because they cant find or do any other job think these meetings are worthwhile. This check the box mentality is going to sink us. We use to be a company that went out and sold. Now we are a company that checks the boxes to say (or act like) we have done something. Its no wonder we are getting are asses kicked. When leadership or lack thereof allows or suggests meetings like this you know we are in trouble. Welcome to big pharma at its worst. Don't you douche bags read the paper? Take guidance from the Pfizers, Mercks, Astrazeneca's of the world and smarten up. But then again, when all you know is check the box to act like you are being productive then its hard to change and actually do work. You sleep in the bed you make.