Have they fired all the NASH people yet?

The two RM’s from the big D are they finally gone. They are so impressed with their 1980’s mgmt style. They guy in the central patted himself on the back for implementing calls per day.

It is a major exodus. New announcements every week. Chief Legal Counsel leaving is a bad sign. The entire NASH marketing team as well as most of us who joined to sell NASH will leave in Q1.

I cannot listen to Deryk drone on anymore. What was that yesterday? Tom Hanks. Winter solstice. Really? He loves the sound of your own voice, but seems to say nothing. Jerry - please help us!!!

Yeah. As if you’d step it up and make a direct call..... that is called a career limiting move that will bite you in the arse when you least expect it.

You are a coward. Either call the individual or move on from this company. If this place is so bad then it’s time to move on. I bet though you are middle performer who knows everything but hasn’t done much in your professional career.