Have not heard of 1 manager laid off

RD here- Yes more of the low ranked reps will hit the street within 30 days. Forest is effectively neutered by ACT and you can expect the downward spiral to continue. All you reps who FAKED ALL THOSE CALLS and spent more time in the backseat of the company car doing "social services" with a coworker will get your reward in the end.

Another poser otherwise you would know the true timeline of when they will hit the streets. Go back to foot locker.

Another poser otherwise you would know the true timeline of when they will hit the streets. Go back to foot locker.

As a DM I knew several reps who took advantage of newbies. Those company cars had enough 'evidence' in the back seats to prove it. I just looked the other way becuz they had a lot of sales and kept it private. My biggest problem was when some others figured out what was going on and wanted a 'piece of the action'. I handled it privately by a reassignment of the complainer to another area. All in all this was an interesting social challenge especially when one newbie got pregnant. Yes I handled this without HR and it was not in the training material I had 20 years ago. I guess I need to catch up with the times.

Interested to hear about similar experiences.

I know of a former DM that was demoted because of his involvement with one of his female reps. He is still a rep with our company when he should have been terminated on the spot!

As a DM I knew several reps who took advantage of newbies. Those company cars had enough 'evidence' in the back seats to prove it. I just looked the other way becuz they had a lot of sales and kept it private. My biggest problem was when some others figured out what was going on and wanted a 'piece of the action'. I handled it privately by a reassignment of the complainer to another area. All in all this was an interesting social challenge especially when one newbie got pregnant. Yes I handled this without HR and it was not in the training material I had 20 years ago. I guess I need to catch up with the times.

Interested to hear about similar experiences.

I know a DM who had to deal with a similar problem. The woman involved was a Rep and was married and somehow the husband got informed and he made her quit. Don't know what happened to their marri
age. Don't know if the DM told her husband.

I know of a former DM that was demoted because of his involvement with one of his female reps. He is still a rep with our company when he should have been terminated on the spot!

This surprises you? That's small potatoes. Remember those involved with the fine and CIA are also still with the company

I don't think it's small potatoes. It says a lot about the character of the legacy forest people that are still around. If it was my choice, they would be gone. I don't want to work with people that have integrity issues.

I don't think it's small potatoes. It says a lot about the character of the legacy forest people that are still around. If it was my choice, they would be gone. I don't want to work with people that have integrity issues.

You are a hard ass. This activity goes on all the time. Its rarely reported. If HR gets in the loop there may be a sex discrimination suit. So it is typically handled at the local level. Many Forest reps are 'trigger happy' to get female reps 'initiated' into the Rep business.Its a problem when a manager is doing it (esp DMs) who require that the reps perform 'favors ' to get a promotion etc.

Another problem has been excessive time on Internet pornography sites. This effects productivity but not other employees.Some reps fake calls and are working the Internet on non company business etc.

So don't be too hard on our reps.Most are above this behavior but I must say some of our top performers (female) are making it on more than their pharma sales accomplishments.

Every time an attractive female rep is consistently top ranked or gets promoted to DM or Ram some of the guys who didn't get promoted or haven't done as well start running their mouths &/or post on here that they banged their way to their spot. Some guys can't handle that a female is just better at the same job. It's ridiculous.

Every time an attractive female rep is consistently top ranked or gets promoted to DM or Ram some of the guys who didn't get promoted or haven't done as well start running their mouths &/or post on here that they banged their way to their spot. Some guys can't handle that a female is just better at the same job. It's ridiculous.

Many do. Its a fact that an attractive female gets more attention and if she desires can use her body as a sales tool. Yes whatever works. Some guys are jealous because they don't get the sales she gets and worse they don't get her. The wise gal takes care of everyone so the complaining stops.

Many do. Its a fact that an attractive female gets more attention and if she desires can use her body as a sales tool. Yes whatever works. Some guys are jealous because they don't get the sales she gets and worse they don't get her. The wise gal takes care of everyone so the complaining stops.

As a mid 20's rep I do whatever it takes to get a bonus or promotion. Knowing what the boss likes makes it a piece of cake. I take the initiative and he follows along as a horny dog.