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have heard from several sources that ADC has stooped paying their people

Thousands and thousands of people were ripped off. This is a disgrace.

And they are all keeping so quite about it. What amazing discipline! ADC is a cauldron of rumors and gossip, of everything imaginable. But on this one topic, effecting "thousands and thousands" of employees, not a single rumor or shred of gossip. It's like no one has heard of this, yet it must effect just about all of us, current and past.

It's called a "PIP". Perfected at Abbott, and one area where we are "best in class" and envy of out peers.

Yes that's one area where we are the best in the industry. If you are a DM and looking to leave ABT, highlight PIP's on your resume. Forget sales performance or other traditional and typical successes we list on our resumes. My resume states how many PIP's I have given out, with the "success" factor being terminations.

Here's an example: "15 PIP's in 3 years, with 40% leading to resignation before conclusion, and 50% resulting in successful terminations." I've got a lot of interest, and interviews lined up!

Coming from Abbott, that's what employers are looking for, and the only reason someone would hire an Abbott DM.

Yes that's one area where we are the best in the industry. If you are a DM and looking to leave ABT, highlight PIP's on your resume. Forget sales performance or other traditional and typical successes we list on our resumes. My resume states how many PIP's I have given out, with the "success" factor being terminations.

Here's an example: "15 PIP's in 3 years, with 40% leading to resignation before conclusion, and 50% resulting in successful terminations." I've got a lot of interest, and interviews lined up!

Coming from Abbott, that's what employers are looking for, and the only reason someone would hire an Abbott DM.

hey asshole get a job poser your resume has dish washer and toilet cleaner because what you state is total bullshit PIPs don't appear on resume and if they dd it would show reason not to hire you douche boy funny thing stupid clueless people may buy it
crawl back under your rock scumbag

hey asshole get a job poser your resume has dish washer and toilet cleaner because what you state is total bullshit PIPs don't appear on resume and if they dd it would show reason not to hire you douche boy funny thing stupid clueless people may buy it
crawl back under your rock scumbag

No, he's right! If you're an Abbott DM, that's all you've got going for you: what an asshole you can be. You have to market that. You've got to play to your strengths, and the strengths of the company you work for. And PIP's, micro-management, and Gestapo tactics are what we do best!