Has HIV FRM Screening Started?

Way over hired FRM. The ED is clueless to the demand as a 125,000 product will be lucky to have 2% Buy Bill. Will cost 2million inventory for 25 patients.
24 months there will only be need for 18 FRMs, one for each region, not 40.

I don’t think this position will be around after the first year
It's a protected class. There will be logistics that will need to be set up in the first year and after that I'm not sure what the big need will be. I agree with another thread asking why TF they're hiring all these ViiV people when offices are still getting stuck without getting reimbursed for their product after administering regularly.

It will be around 3yrs until all plans make L4P the preferred agent then no need for a Reimburseme rep. Even first 3yrs the product is so expensive that only 5% will be buy & bill AND you don't need 45 50 FRMs for that!

They hired the the 5 FRDs already (2 internal & 3 external).
The FRMs completed Final Panels interviews last week and this week.
Offers will start Friday going into next week.