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Has anyone else applied for open positions and have not heard anything?


I applied for several open positions (as we were told that we could) and haven’t heard anything and I Know that the mgr is in the hiring process. Why was I not considered as I had better ratings than the people that made the cut. I’m confused


They did this before. Openings all over. Laid off reps applied and couldn’t even get a phone call. It’s callous and disrespectful and HR is directing it. Sorry. You should move on and put this dumpster fire in your rear view. You deserve better.

Anyone saying that previous hires will not be looked at...is completely wrong. As an insider - there have been MULTIPLE requests from managers to bring back certain candidates. The delay is due to HR delays. They are enforcing a standardize process to ensure there are no legal ramifications bring back someone

yes i applied and i have had numerous managers ask to bring me back and finnaly after few weeks they got back to me and said HR did not approve anyone coming back who has been laid off. huge disappointment.

Whoever the tool bag is that is saying im sure your manager wanted you back, must be bitter as fuck bc thier manager did not want them back, my manager and my regional both reached out to me last week asking if i was interested in coming back but to a different territory, not all of us Takeda reps are hated

Anyone saying that previous hires will not be looked at...is completely wrong. As an insider - there have been MULTIPLE requests from managers to bring back certain candidates. The delay is due to HR delays. They are enforcing a standardize process to ensure there are no legal ramifications bring back someone

So are you suggesting that HR will eventually cave in and bring back some candidates? I just have a hard time thinking that will happend

My manager and regional called me last friday asking if i wanted to come back but monday i received a follow up call and they told me its being put on hold until HR settles down, so not fun hearing you are being asked to come back and than few days later get shut down...on to the next

It seems that they are doing things different this lay off than before, if all these people are saying thier managers or regional managers call them, than i would imagine they did not even know that there would be no rehires, but who knows

My manager and regional called me last friday asking if i wanted to come back but monday i received a follow up call and they told me its being put on hold until HR settles down, so not fun hearing you are being asked to come back and than few days later get shut down...on to the next
but wouldn't that shut down be applicable to any applicant? Sounds like Takeda is trying to whine down from the upheave before "going there".

man take that Severence and lay low. Trust me there will be MANY positions open 6 months from now. I drove 311 miles today. A lot of folkes with say screw this in the next few months.