Has anyone actually quit due to vaccine mandate ?

Y’all do realize that a large percentage of the folks not getting vaccinated are not Fox News watchers , a large percentage of those not vaccinated would more likely be a MSNBC or CNN watcher. Don’t believe me ? Just ask any Pulmonologist treating those in the hospital.

You’re full of so much bullsh*t it’s oozing out of your ears!

Certainly not about the $cience. It’$ all about the money.

I will have to be fired, I won’t quit. I will demand a letter stating the specific reason as- failure to take the vaccine. I’m ready to retire, but keeping that letter just in case there’s a pot of litigation gold out there later. Considering working part-time as a whistleblower too, no vaccine required.

You should seek the advise of one of the $3 billion WB's. They can point you in the right direction as far as council. Additionally remember the "first to file rule" You could be behind the 8 ball already! If you're thinking about it believe me others are too, and may have beaten you to the punch. Better pull that card ASAP!

As a retired successful employee, it is amusing to see the comments of the degenerate youth of today. I am guessing you actually voted against the recall in California. Either that or you’re from New York. If you learn a little bit about history, That is the time before you were born in the late 90s early 2000s your opinion might change. For now, you can believe the nonsense of an unproven vaccine. You can look up charts of how long it took all other vaccines to be proven and approved. That is the one time that I disagreed wit previous president. That is more than I can say about your current coward in chief
Time for your Aricept Grandpa. AON and Newsmax are muddling your mind.

As a retired successful employee, it is amusing to see the comments of the degenerate youth of today. I am guessing you actually voted against the recall in California. Either that or you’re from New York. If you learn a little bit about history, That is the time before you were born in the late 90s early 2000s your opinion might change. For now, you can believe the nonsense of an unproven vaccine. You can look up charts of how long it took all other vaccines to be proven and approved. That is the one time that I disagreed wit previous president. That is more than I can say about your current coward in chief

Retired "successful" ha ha ha. There isn't one person who retired doing this worthless job that can call themselves successful! The term is mediocre, or useless. Sure you saved enough to live a regular retirement, but you wasted your prime earning years delivering Pizza for $150 K per year. You see some of us were smart enough to get out early enough to make the real money before it was too late. Left GSK before I turned 30, so that I could retire before 50. Actually was able to do it at 44, and not a mediocre retirement like GSK provides.

You’re full of so much bullsh*t it’s oozing out of your ears!

Not really, don’t listen to the news or social media , talk to the folks taking care of the patients in the hospital. The media is misleading you, hell for that matter just go to the African American part of your town and ask how many of them watch Fox News and then ask how many are unvaccinated, do the same in the Hispanic part of town. Being unvaccinated is not all about watching Fox News.

Lots of people who bragged about their natural immunity have either died or are in hospital. Or taking monoclonal antibodies at many times the cost of the vaccine. Also read that horse owners can't get ivermectin for their animals....guess all the right wing a%%holes have used them up.

Any supporting evidence or links for these myriad claims?

PS: African Americans are not getting vaccinated. Are they the right wing a%%holes you are referring to?

Retired "successful" ha ha ha. There isn't one person who retired doing this worthless job that can call themselves successful! The term is mediocre, or useless. Sure you saved enough to live a regular retirement, but you wasted your prime earning years delivering Pizza for $150 K per year. You see some of us were smart enough to get out early enough to make the real money before it was too late. Left GSK before I turned 30, so that I could retire before 50. Actually was able to do it at 44, and not a mediocre retirement like GSK provides.

So…….your parents or grandparents died and left you an inheritance, congratulations on being successful.

Certainly not about the $cience. It’$ all about the money.

I will have to be fired, I won’t quit. I will demand a letter stating the specific reason as- failure to take the vaccine. I’m ready to retire, but keeping that letter just in case there’s a pot of litigation gold out there later. Considering working part-time as a whistleblower too, no vaccine required.

Ask them in a scenario where you have an adverse incident, will it be recorded as an OSHA workplace incident. The question alone will make them nervous.

Retired "successful" ha ha ha. There isn't one person who retired doing this worthless job that can call themselves successful! The term is mediocre, or useless. Sure you saved enough to live a regular retirement, but you wasted your prime earning years delivering Pizza for $150 K per year. You see some of us were smart enough to get out early enough to make the real money before it was too late. Left GSK before I turned 30, so that I could retire before 50. Actually was able to do it at 44, and not a mediocre retirement like GSK provides.

Not everyone who works at GSK is a sales rep.

So…….your parents or grandparents died and left you an inheritance, congratulations on being successful.

lol, I knew I would get denigrating comments from the peanut section. It’s fun to give a mental challenge to the mentally challenged youth. So glad my parents and grandparents taught me to spend money on investments as opposed to dope and clubs. I won’t tell you my age but, I will tell you I’m a lot younger than you think. Kiddo

lol, I knew I would get denigrating comments from the peanut section. It’s fun to give a mental challenge to the mentally challenged youth. So glad my parents and grandparents taught me to spend money on investments as opposed to dope and clubs. I won’t tell you my age but, I will tell you I’m a lot younger than you think. Kiddo

lol, I knew I would get denigrating comments from the peanut section. It’s fun to give a mental challenge to the mentally challenged youth. So glad my parents and grandparents taught me to spend money on investments as opposed to dope and clubs. I won’t tell you my age but, I will tell you I’m a lot younger than you think. Kiddo

And with regard to your comment earlier… I have more wings than Nick Saban

Retired "successful" ha ha ha. There isn't one person who retired doing this worthless job that can call themselves successful! The term is mediocre, or useless. Sure you saved enough to live a regular retirement, but you wasted your prime earning years delivering Pizza for $150 K per year. You see some of us were smart enough to get out early enough to make the real money before it was too late. Left GSK before I turned 30, so that I could retire before 50. Actually was able to do it at 44, and not a mediocre retirement like GSK provides.

and I still come back to cafe pharmacist I can brag about…loser

As a retired successful employee, it is amusing to see the comments of the degenerate youth of today. I am guessing you actually voted against the recall in California. Either that or you’re from New York. If you learn a little bit about history, That is the time before you were born in the late 90s early 2000s your opinion might change. For now, you can believe the nonsense of an unproven vaccine. You can look up charts of how long it took all other vaccines to be proven and approved. That is the one time that I disagreed wit previous president. That is more than I can say about your current coward in chief

polio vaccine studies were only a year long before mass vaccination