Has anyone actually quit due to vaccine mandate ?

I’m ready to retire anyway! I’ve just been hanging out collecting a check for a decade(at least I’m not afraid to admit it, while many love to pretend how hard they work).

Yes, I did. When a company says it is "science based" and then ignores that natural immunity is superior to vaccine immunity and still requires you to get the vaccine, it's not a "science based" company anymore.
Lots of people who bragged about their natural immunity have either died or are in hospital. Or taking monoclonal antibodies at many times the cost of the vaccine. Also read that horse owners can't get ivermectin for their animals....guess all the right wing a%%holes have used them up.

Yes, I did. When a company says it is "science based" and then ignores that natural immunity is superior to vaccine immunity and still requires you to get the vaccine, it's not a "science based" company anymore.

How is that superior immunity working out for all 90% plus unvaccinated folks ending up in ERs around the country? I’m sure they’ve never had Covid before right??

Y’all do realize that a large percentage of the folks not getting vaccinated are not Fox News watchers , a large percentage of those not vaccinated would more likely be a MSNBC or CNN watcher. Don’t believe me ? Just ask any Pulmonologist treating those in the hospital.

Yes, I did. When a company says it is "science based" and then ignores that natural immunity is superior to vaccine immunity and still requires you to get the vaccine, it's not a "science based" company anymore.

Certainly not about the $cience. It’$ all about the money.

I will have to be fired, I won’t quit. I will demand a letter stating the specific reason as- failure to take the vaccine. I’m ready to retire, but keeping that letter just in case there’s a pot of litigation gold out there later. Considering working part-time as a whistleblower too, no vaccine required.

To bad Fox News wasn't around when your parents had you because you would already have died from polio.

Idiot Fox Watcher. Lies and no facts but ignores all the other facts.

As a retired successful employee, it is amusing to see the comments of the degenerate youth of today. I am guessing you actually voted against the recall in California. Either that or you’re from New York. If you learn a little bit about history, That is the time before you were born in the late 90s early 2000s your opinion might change. For now, you can believe the nonsense of an unproven vaccine. You can look up charts of how long it took all other vaccines to be proven and approved. That is the one time that I disagreed wit previous president. That is more than I can say about your current coward in chief

Y’all do realize that a large percentage of the folks not getting vaccinated are not Fox News watchers , a large percentage of those not vaccinated would more likely be a MSNBC or CNN watcher. Don’t believe me ? Just ask any Pulmonologist treating those in the hospital.
So let me get this straight. You contend that the pulmonologist will ask them which network they are watching when they are admitted and are gasping for air?